Sample reports

A sample report is shown here. It has been expanded to the second level.

File  View  Navigate  Help
J17: Java Wait Time by Call Path (0116/JVMTST01)              Row 00001 of 00158
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

MthId   Method                       Percent of Time * 2.50%   ±2.4%
00049   getEntry                     0.59 =
→ 00035   line 173 getEntry
→ 00036   line 257 getEntry
→ 00025   line 244 getJarEntry
→ 00037   line 483 hasClassPathAtt
→ 00038   line 29 jarFileHasClassP
→ 00028   line 889 getClassPath
→ 00002   line 351 getLoader
→ 00003   line 205 getResource
→ 00004   line 846 run
→ 00005   doPrivileged1
→ 00006   line 389 doPrivileged
→ 00007   line 371 findClass
→ 00008   line 572 loadClass
→ 00009   line 442 loadClass
→ 00010   line 504 loadClass

00139   findBootstrapClass           0.29 =
→ 00140   line 1062 findBootstrapC
→ 00008   line 565 loadClass