
Specifies a 2-byte length field followed by the input command string to be submitted to Application Performance Analyzer. The length field describes the length of the command string only; it does not include the length of this length field.
Specifies a 2-byte length field followed by a buffer used by CAZAPI01 to return one or more information/error messages describing the result of processing the command. The length field must contain the maximum length of this buffer; it does not include the length of this length field. It is recommended that the buffer be a minimum of 512 bytes long and be initialized to nulls so that the caller can easily determine whether messages have been returned or not.

If messages are returned then each message will be terminated by a single null character, the last message will be terminated by two consecutive null characters. The length field will be updated to contain the length of the messages including all null characters.

Specifies a 4-byte field that contains the Application Performance Analyzer STCID to which the command will be submitted. The STCID must be left justified and blank padded.

If the first byte of this field is blank or null then CAZAPI01 will attempt to connect to the currently executing Application Performance Analyzer started task. If more than one Application Performance Analyzer STC is active the request will fail.

Specifies a 4-byte field to contain the return code.
Specifies a 4-byte field to contain the reason code.
Must be coded and causes the high-order bit of the last parameter address to set to 1.