View 1. Measurement overview

View 1. Measurement Overview shows an at-a-glance summary of the measurement status and shows a very high level overview of observed resource usage. If in 'autorefresh' mode, data in this screen will refresh automatically at the specified rate. Otherwise press ENTER to refresh the data.

A sample report is shown here:

File View Navigate Help
M01: IBM APA for z/OS Realtime Monitor (2132/CICS22A)       Row 00001 of 00025
Command ===> _________________________________________________Scroll ===> PAGE
  1. Overview   3. Environment   5. Data Mgmt
  2. CPU Util.  4. CPU/Modules
View 1. Measurement Overview

+Measurement Progress -------------------------------------------------------+
| Requested    90,000  100.0% '''''''''''''''''''''''                        |
| Samples Done 39,673   44.0% --------------------                           |
| CPU Active    4,314   10.8% -----                                          |
| WAIT         34,393   86.6% ---------------------------------------        |
| Queued          966    2.4% -                                              |

+System Resource Usage----------------+--------------------------------------+
| CPU time TCB       21.96 sec        | No.of TCBs         9                 |
| CPU time SRB       3.50 sec         | EXCPs              0                 |
| Storage frames     6,611            | Dataspace frames   0                 |
| Pages in           0                | Pages out          0                 |

+DB2 Activity-------------------------+--------------------------------------+
| SQL call count     7,809            | DB2 plan           PFSAMPA           |
| SQL samples        2,287            | DB2 DBRM           PFSAMPC           |

+CICS Transactions--------------------+--------------------------------------+
| Active txns        0                | Current TranId     n/a               |
| Suspended txns     8                | CICSTaskId         1,672             |