
This report attributes CPU usage to Code Slices. A code slice is a range of storage addresses containing executable object code. You can use this report to pinpoint the exact locations of hot spots – segments of code where CPU consumption is particularly high. You can use SETUP to adjust the resolution of the report by varying the size of the code slice.

Two types of detail line are shown:
  • Code Slice
  • Code Address

Initially, only the Code slice lines are visible. You can expand a Code Slice line (using the “+” line command) to reveal its subordinate Code Address lines. Initially, report lines are arranged in descending sequence by CPU activity. The most active items appear at the top. You can also sort by address by entering the “SA” line command either on the Address title field or on one of the first level report line address fields.

A sample report, as it is initially displayed, is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
C03: CPU Usage by Code Slice (0656/TSTJOB01)                  Row 00001 of 01127
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Address   Size  Location            Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±1.1%
00D0B1F0    64  ASMFPSRH+0A80  20.90 ===========
08A45CC0    64  C0020+1CC0      3.50 ==
00D0D000    64  ASMFRDLN+0080   3.23 ==
00D0F480    64  ASMFRDLN+2500   3.09 ==
08A45300    64  C0020+1300      2.21 =

If you wanted to expand, for example, the third line, enter the “+” line command:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
C03: CPU Usage by Code Slice (0656/TSTJOB01)                  Row 00001 of 01127
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Address   Size  Location            Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±1.1%
00D0B1F0    64  ASMFPSRH+0A80  20.90 ===========
08A45CC0    64  C0020+1CC0      3.50 ==
+0D0D000    64  ASMFRDLN+0080   3.23 ==
00D0F480    64  ASMFRDLN+2500   3.09 ==
08A45300    64  C0020+1300      2.21 =

The subordinate Code Address lines would then be displayed:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
C03: CPU Usage by Code Slice (0656/TSTJOB01)                  Row 00001 of 01131
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Address   Size  Location            Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±1.1%
00D0B1F0    64  ASMFPSRH+0A80  20.90 ===========
08A45CC0    64  C0020+1CC0      3.50 ==
00D0D000    64  ASMFRDLN+0080   3.23 ==
→ 00D0D000      ASMFRDLN+0080   2.30 =
→ 00D0D026      ASMFRDLN+00A6   0.51
→ 00D0D036      ASMFRDLN+00B6   0.42

00D0F480    64  ASMFRDLN+2500   3.09 ==

Remember, you can also expand an entire report by typing “+” on the first heading, in this report it would be the Address heading.