Measurement environment
Values relating to the environment in which the measurement took place are reported here.
Under heading | This is displayed |
Job name | The name of the measured job. |
Job number | The job number of the measured job assigned by JES. |
Step name | The name of the measured step. |
ASID | The ASID (address space ID) of the measured job. |
DB2® attach type | The type of DB2 attachment, if DB2 data recorded. |
Region size < 16MB | The region size in the 24 bit address range. |
Region size > 16MB | The region size above the 24 bit address range. |
Step program | The name of the measurement step program (specified in the EXEC JCL statement). |
Region type | The type of region (Batch, TSO, IMS™, CICS®, etc.) measured. |
System ID | The system identifier of the system on which the measurement took place. |
SMFID | The SMF ID assigned to the system on which the measurement took place. |
IBM® APA vers. | The version of IBM Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS® that performed the measurement. |
O/S Level | The operating system and level. |
Nbr of CPUs | The number of CPUs in the system on which the measurement took place. |
CPU rate factor | The factor used to determine CPU performance. |
MIPS per CPU | The speed, in machine instructions per second, of one CPU. This is derived using the CPU rate factor. |
CPU model | The CPU model number. |
CPU version | The CPU version. |
SUs per second | The number of service units per CPU second. |