Panel 1 – Job Information
The R03 Schedule New Measurement dialog always starts with panel 1 (Job Information) selected, it is shown here:
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R03: Schedule New Measurement Row 00001 of 00019
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
1. Job Information 3. Multi Steps 5. Subsystems 7. Schedule
2. Options 4. Active Jobs 6. Sysplex 8. Sched Options
Panel 1. Job Information
Job Name/Pattern . . ________
Step Specification
Step No. . . . . . ___ Specify step number, program name,
Program Name . . . ________ step name or step name + Proc step
Step Name . . . . ________ name. Use panel 3 to specify more
ProcStepName . . . ________ than one step.
Description . . . . __________________________________________
Number of Samples . _______ Measure to step end . . . N
Duration (min:sec) . _______ Delay by (secs) . . . . . ___
Notify TSO User . . _______ Retain file for (days) . 20
USS observations . . . . Max. 20
The panel shown above was invoked with a NEW primary command, so input fields are mostly blank.