Sample reports
A sample report is shown below. The first TranCode has been expanded to the second level.
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I03: IMS Transaction Timeline (0805/ADSMPP) Row 00001 of 00111
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
TranCode PSB/PCB Id Func Location Stat Txn Time Duration
BBSDR000 BBSFIN00 20:36:10.29 1.1639
± 000001 I0PCB 0001 GU BBSFIN00+038C 20:36:10.29 0.0001
→ 000002 DBSCA001 0002 GHU BBSAP012+0E0E 20:36:11.20 0.0556
→ 000003 DBSCN001 0003 GHU BBSAP012+0EE4 20:36:11.26 0.0133
→ 000004 DBSCA002 0004 GHU BBSAP012+1086 20:36:11.27 0.0003
→ 000005 DBSCA002 0005 ISRT BBSAP012+1110 20:36:11.27 0.0003
→ 000006 DBSTL001 0006 GHU BBSAP012+11B0 20:36:11.27 0.0232
→ 000007 DBSTL001 0007 ISRT BBSAP012+1252 20:36:11.30 0.0003
→ 000008 DBSCA001 0008 REPL BBSAP012+131E 20:36:11.30 0.0001
→ 000009 DBSCN001 0009 REPL BBSAP012+13A4 20:36:11.30 0.0023
→ 000010 IOPCB 0010 ISRT BBSFIN00+0410 QH 20:36:11.46 0.0002
BBSDR000 BBSFIN00 TERMX09 20:36:11.47 0.0760
BBSDR000 BBSFIN00 20:36:11.55 0.0273
BBSDR000 BBSFIN00 20:36:11.58 0.0467