Sample reports
A sample report is shown here. The transaction has been expanded to the second level.
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E11: CICS Total Service Time by Userid (1873/CICS32A) Row 00001 of 00032
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
-------- Total Time in Seconds --------
Name NTxns Description Error Execution + Suspend + Delay = Service
AHM01 0 ±99.9% 16.731 4.407 28.184 49.323
→ MQS1 0 ±99.9% 14.917 0.299 2.338 17.555
→ MQSAMP1 CICS Program 12.848 0.089 0.944 13.882
→ CEECCICS EXEC CICS 1.888 0.119 0.479 2.488
→ CEEPLPKA EXEC CICS 0.000 0.000 0.659 0.659
→ CICS System Services 0.104 0.089 0.239 0.434
→ DFHTFP CICS Program 0.059 0.000 0.000 0.059
→ MQSAMP1 EXEC CICS 0.014 0.000 0.014 0.029
→ MQDR 0 ±99.9% 0.359 0.404 15.966 16.731
→ CSQ4CVK1 CICS Program 0.239 0.254 15.696 16.191
→ MQDRVR EXEC CICS 0.089 0.044 0.224 0.359
→ MQDRVR CICS Program 0.014 0.104 0.044 0.164
→ CICS System Services 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.014
→ TDB2 0 ±99.9% 1.379 3.463 8.305 13.147
→ CICS System Services 0.329 2.413 6.506 9.250
→ CICSDB3 CICS Program 0.989 0.899 1.769 3.658
→ CEECCICS EXEC CICS 0.014 0.149 0.014 0.179
→ CICSDB3 EXEC CICS 0.044 0.000 0.014 0.059
→ DBDR 0 ±99.9% 0.074 0.239 1.574 1.888
→ DB2DRVR EXEC CICS 0.074 0.239 1.574 1.888
AGM02 0 ±99.9% 0.000 29.984 0.000 29.984
→ CKAM 0 ±99.9% 0.000 29.984 0.000 29.984
→ DFHMQMON EXEC CICS 0.000 29.984 0.000 29.984