Panel 5 – Subsystems

Use this multi-purpose panel to specify further information about the measurement of CICS® regions, IMS™ regions, specific DB2® stored procedures or user-defined functions, DB2 DDF address spaces and WebSphere® (WAS) controllers. Panel 5 has three different appearances depending on the purpose of the measurement.

For a typical CICS, IMS or DDF measurement, Panel 5 displays mutually exclusive input fields that are specific to the CICS transactions and terminals, or IMS transaction, program and userid, or DDF filtering criteria.

For a multiple address space measurement, where a dash (-) is entered in the Jobname field in Panel 1, Panel 5 displays mutually exclusive input fields specific to DB2 stored procedures and user-defined functions, or IMS transactions that execute across multiple IMS regions.
  • For DB2 multiple address space support, when you are measuring specific DB2 stored procedures or user-defined functions, you can specify the DB2 subsystem name or the DB2 group attach name, a P or F to identify the request, the schema name and the stored procedure or user-defined function name.
  • For IMS multiple region support, when you are measuring an IMS transaction that executes across multiple MPP regions, you can specify the IMS subsystem name or IMSPlex group name, and the IMS transaction name.

For a WebSphere measurement where the WAS extractor is selected in Panel 2, Panel 5 displays WebSphere filtering criteria. You can specify the request name, application name, and/or origin for which measurement information is to be recorded. You can also use this panel to filter out image activity and/or specific file extensions.

A sample panel 5 for CICS, an IMS region and DDF is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                                 Row 00001 of 00025
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems     7. Schedule
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex        8. Sched Options
Panel 5. Subsystems Measurement Criteria

 Specify up to 16 CICS trancodes for which measurement data is to be

   01 *___  02 ____  03 ____  04 ____  05 ____  06 ____  07 ____  08 ____
   09 ____  10 ____  11 ____  12 ____  13 ____  14 ____  15 ____  16 ____

 Include CICS system transaction in measurement(Y/N): N

 Wildcard character *'' can be specified at the end of a partial name.
 *'' by itself specifies all transactions of terminals.

 Specify up to 8 CICS terminal IDs for which measurement data is to be recorded.

   01 *___  02 ____  03 ____  04 ____  05 ____  06 ____  07 ____  08 ____

  Include CICS non-terminal transactions in measurement(Y/N): Y

  Enter IMS/TM selection parameters:

      Transaction ________     Program Name ________    User ID ________

Specify filter criteria for DDF observation. Wildcards are accepted.

   Correlation Id  _____________         or   _ '/' for null (binary zero)
   End User Id     ___________________   or   _ '/' for null (binary zero)
   Workstation Id  ____________________  or   _ '/' for null (binary zero)   
A sample panel 5 where you can enter information about a specific DB2 stored procedure or an IMS transaction and IMS subsystem or IMSPlex group is shown here. This panel is displayed only when a dash (-) is entered in the Job Name/Pattern field in Panel 1.
  File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                                 Row 00001 of 00010
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems     7. Schedule
  2. Options            4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex        8. Sched Options
Panel 5. Subsystems Measurement Criteria

Enter DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function parameters:

 DB2 Subsystem ______  or DB2 Group Attach Name ______ 
 Specify P for procedure or F for function  _
 Schema ________________________________________________________________________
   Name ________________________________________________________________________

Enter IMS/TM selection parameters:
 IMS Subsystem Id  ____ 	or	IMSPLEX Group Name ________
 Transaction __________

A sample panel 5 for WebSphere is shown here:

File  View  Navigate  Help
R03: Schedule New Measurement                                 Row 00001 of 00019
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

o 1. Job Information    3. Multi Steps     5. Subsystems     7. Schedule
o 2. Options          o 4. Active Jobs     6. Sysplex        8. Sched Options
Panel 5. Subsystems Measurement Criteria

Enter any required WAS filter criteria.

Request name:

Application name:


Origin format: (use a slash to select one of the following)
 _ IP adress _ Host name  _Job name

Filter out image activity? (.gif .jpg etc): N (Y/N)

Filter out requests with these extensions: