SETUP options
Enter the SETUP primary command to select options for this report. The following pop-up window will be displayed:
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- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------
P | Options for Source Program Mapping | 001 of 00068
C | | ll ===> CSR
| Nbr of adjacent lines to display . . . . 2 |
L | This specifies the number of statements |
| without measured activity to be displayed |
0 | before/after lines with activity. | - - - - - -
0 | |
0 | Enter "/" to select an option |
0 | _ Display ALL statements of the source program. |
0 | (otherwise only those at or near statements |
0 | with measured activity are displayed.) |
0 | _ Include assembler object code. |
0 | / Show statement count graphically. |
0 | _ Show detailed information in heading. |
0 | _ Show C/C++ pseudo-assembly. |
0 | _ Display values as a percent. |
0 | (Not applicable to all reports) |
0 | | pace
0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+