Panel 4 – Active Jobs
Panel 4 is used to select active jobs from a list. You can enter a Prefix to limit the jobs listed. If you enter a Pattern in the Job name/Pattern field in panel 1, this will be entered as the Prefix in panel 4. This is an input field, you can change the prefix while in panel 4.
Panel 4 is shown here. In this example the prefix entered is “C*”.
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R03: Schedule New Measurement Row 00001 of 00019
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
o 1. Job Information o 3. Multi Steps 5. Subsystems 7. Schedule
o 2. Options 4. Active Jobs 6. Sysplex 8. Sched Options
Panel 4. Active Jobs
Enter S to select an active job step to be measured. Prefix . . C*__________
JobName Type JobId StepName ASIDX System CPU% SIO
CATALOG STC N/A CATALOG 0020 X235 0.00 0.00
CICS22A STC STC01159 CICS22A 00AB X235 2.18 0.00
CICS22C STC STC03379 CICS22C 0190 X235 1.98 0.00
CICS31A STC STC03246 CICS31A 00B5 X235 2.58 0.00
CICS32A STC STC02104 CICS32A 0115 X235 2.58 0.00
CONSOLE STC N/A CONSOLE 0009 X235 0.00 0.00
CSQ6MSTR STC STC00454 CSQ6MSTR 0032 X235 5.95 0.00
Enter “S” beside the active job(s) you want to measure. You can select multiple active jobs to be measured simultaneously. The maximum number of jobs that can be selected is defined during the installation of Application Performance Analyzer. This feature is used to measure multiple active jobs at the same time, and is typically used for CICS® and IMS™ multiple address space support.
When multiple jobs are selected, the selected jobs are listed in the lower half of the panel in Selected Jobs List. You add jobs to the Selected Jobs List by entering 'S' beside the active jobs in the upper half of the panel. Enter 'D' beside the active job in the lower half of the panel to remove jobs from the Selected Jobs List. When you return to Panel 1, the first job selected is displayed in the Jobname//Pattern field, and '(Active - Multiple Jobs Selected)' is displayed below the Jobname to indicate that multiple jobs are selected. Multiple jobs can be selected only in NEW requests, and are not valid for Threshold or Trigger requests.
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R03: Schedule New Measurement Row 00001 of 00011
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
o 1. Job Information 3. Multi Steps 5. Subsystems 7. Schedule
2. Options o 4. Active Jobs 6. Sysplex 8. Sched Options
Panel 4. Active Jobs Input more data or ENTER to submit
Enter S to select an active job step to be measured. Prefix . . CICS*_______
JobName Type JobId StepName Procstep ASIDX System CPU% SIO
_ CICS31A STC STC02977 CICS31A CICS 01AC X235 1.08 0.00
_ CICS32A STC STC02278 CICS32A CICS 0167 X235 1.08 0.00
_ CICS32B STC STC02122 CICS32B CICS 0151 X235 0.72 0.00
_ CICS41A STC STC02300 CICS41A CICS 016E X235 1.44 0.00
Selected Jobs List
Enter D to remove an active job from the list.
JobName System
_ CICS32A X235
_ CICS32B X235