R02 - Observation session list
When you start Application Performance Analyzer/ISPF, the Observation Session List panel is displayed. A list of commonly used primary commands is displayed at the top of the screen to assist those users new to Application Performance Analyzer. Once you become familiar with the Observation Session List, these commands can be hidden from view by entering the HIDE primary command. They can be redisplayed by entering the SHOW primary command.
This panel displays a scrollable list of all the observation session requests, whether they are complete, active, or pending. The list is usually filtered by the owner ID, so each user would only see their own requests. The list can also be filtered by Job Name. The SETUP command is used to specify how the list is to be filtered. When filtering is used to limit the observations which are displayed, the filter will be displayed beneath the appropriate heading.
A sample Observation Session List panel is shown here:
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R02: Observation Session List (CAZ0) Row 00078 of 00810
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
NEW To define a new measurement
TNEW To define a threshold measurement
CONNECT To connect to another instance of the measurement task
VERSION To display version information for all instances
IMPORT To IMPORT a previously Exported sample file or hierachy
HIDE To remove these commands from the display (recommended)
/ On top of any ReqNum to get a list of the line commands
Reqnum Owned By Description Job Name Date/Time Samples Status
1871 USER1 CICS22A Jan-3 18:12 100 Ended
1870 USER1 CICS22A Jan-3 18:11 100 Ended
1869 USER1 USER2 Jan-3 18:11 3,450 Cancel
1868 USER2 USER1 Jan-3 18:10 10,000 Ended
1867 + USER1 repeat m-step a CICS22A Jan-3 18:07 100 STEPS
1866 USER1 USER1 Jan-3 18:08 10,000 Ended
1865 + USER1 repeat m-step a PFTEST11 Jan-3 17:55 100 STEPS
1864 USER1 USER1 Jan-3 17:56 10,000 Ended
1863 + USER1 repeat m-step a PFTEST11 Jan-3 17:54 100 STEPS
1862 USER1 USER1 Jan-3 17:54 10,000 Ended
1842 USER1 USER1 Jan-3 17:52 10,000 Ended
1803 + USER1 repeat m-step a PFTEST11 Jan-3 17:51 100 STEPS
1802 USER1 batch interface USER1 Jan-3 17:46 5,000 Ended
1801 USER1 CICS22A Jan-3 17:45 100 Cancel
1800 USER1 RT#2 (open/clos PFTEST02 Jan-3 17:46 17,070 Cancel
1799 USER1 CICS22A Jan-3 17:30 100 Ended
1798 USER1 CICS22A Jan-3 17:30 1 Stoppd
This panel is used to initiate a new observation request, by using the “NEW” primary command, or the “NEW” line command (described in the next section). The“NEW” primary command and the “NEW” line command both cause the Schedule New Measurement panels to be displayed. For Threshold Monitor requests, use the “TNEW” primary command. For more information about Threshold Monitor requests, see Using the TNEW command.
This panel is also used to access the Reports menu, by entering the “R” line command on the request number for which you want to generate Performance Reports. The “NEW” and “R” commands are the most commonly used commands on this panel, and provide access to the primary functions of Application Performance Analyzer: submitting Observation Requests, and generating Performance Reports for a completed Observation Request.