Detail line descriptions

The following information is shown for each HFS device.
Under Heading This is Displayed
FileId A unique sequence number assigned to the HFS file. This is shown in other HFS reports that display HFS file information.
Path Name The HFS file path name.
File Type The HFS file type.
Major If the file type is Character Special, the associated Major number is displayed.
Minor If the file type is Character Special, the associated Minor number is displayed.
Opened The date and time that the file was opened (local time).
Device# The HFS device number associated with the file.
Serial# The HFS file serial number.
Open Flags All the file Open Flags that are set are listed here.
Mode Flags - File Type The HFS file type listed in the HFS Mode Flags.
Mode Flags - Permissions The file permissions (Read/Write/Execute) categorized by Owner, Group, and Other.
Mode Flags - Set Id Flags The Set Id is indicated by either Userid or Group. The Sticky bit setting is also displayed here (if on).
File Activity The file activity is listed by category. The initial counts recorded at the start of the observation session, the final counts recorded at the end of the observation, and the delta are all listed.