Sample reports

A sample report is shown here, it is a scrollable report, and is shown here split into two screen images.

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F01: DB2 Measurement Profile (1354/CICS23A)                   Row 00001 of 00060
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Most Active DB2 Plans ----------------------------------------    Reports:
 Samples                  10,000  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '    F07
 PFSAMPA                   1,710   17.1% ***

Most Active Package/DBRMs ------------------------------------    Reports:
 Samples                  10,000  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '    F03
 PFSAMPC                   1,173   11.7% **
 PFSAMPB                     302    3.0% *
 PFSAMPA                     235    2.3% *

Most Active SQL Statements -----------------------------------    Reports:
 Samples                  10,000  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '    F04
 PFSAMPC:01466 FETCH         452    4.5% *
 PFSAMPA:00816 SELECT        273    2.7% *
 PFSAMPC:03054 FETCH         215    2.1% *
 PFSAMPB:00678 SELECT        195    1.9% *
 PFSAMPB:00816 UPDATE        148    1.4% *

Most CPU consumptive SQL -------------------------------------    Reports:
 Total SQL CPU time         6.24  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '    F10 F11
 PFSAMPC:01466 FETCH        1.62   25.9% *****                    F12
 PFSAMPA:00816 SELECT       0.88   14.2% **
 PFSAMPC:03054 FETCH        0.75   12.1% **
 PFSAMPB:00678 SELECT       0.68   11.0% **
 PFSAMPC:01316 SELECT       0.44    7.1% *
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F01: DB2 Measurement Profile (1354/CICS23A)                   Row 00031 of 00061
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Most Frequent SQL Statements -----------------------------------    Reports:
 Total SQL calls counted   4,492  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
 PFSAMPC:03054 FETCH       1,730   38.5% *******
 PFSAMPC:01466 FETCH         346    7.7% *
 PFSAMPA:00816 SELECT        343    7.6% *
 PFSAMPB:00678 SELECT        343    7.6% *
 PFSAMPC:01443 OPEN          173    3.8% *

Most CPU consumptive SQL ---------------------------------------    Reports:
 Total SQL service time    11.03  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
 PFSAMPB:00678 SELECT       0.16   25.9% *****
 PFSAMPC:01466 FETCH        0.09   14.2% **
 PFSAMPA:00816 SELECT       0.03   12.1% **
 PFSAMPC:01347 SELECT       0.03   11.0% **
 PFSAMPC:01316 SELECT       0.01    7.1% *

 DB2 measurements statistics--------------------------------------------------
| DB2 subsystem name DSN1             | DB2 version          7.1.0           |
| SQL calls sampled  1,521            | SQL observations     1,890           |
| SQL calls executed 5,517            | Avg SQL call rate    91.95 per sec   |
| SQL calls counted  4,492            | SQL throughput       510.83 per sec  |
| SQL service time   11.0362 sec      | SQL CPU time         6.2409 sec      |
| SQL call max time  0.1678 sec       | SQL call max CPU     0.0598 sec      |
| SQL call min time  0.0001 sec       | SQL call min CPU     0.0001 sec      |