R01 - Application Performance Analyzer performance reports menu

This panel is displayed as a result of entering the “R” line command to a line in the Observation Session List panel. It enables you to display Performance Analysis Reports for the selection observation session.

There are two distinct areas on this screen. The first, at the top of the screen, shows you a list of report categories. One of these categories is always highlighted (selected). The area at the lower half of the panel lists the available reports belonging to the highlighted (selected) category.

You can change the report category and hence change the list of available reports, by selecting a category by entering “S” beside the category, or by simply entering the single character code on the command line. You can then select a report from the lower portion of the screen.

As a shortcut, you can select a report directly by entering its three-character code on the command line. Note that if you are selecting by report code, it is not necessary to select the category to which the report belongs first, you can enter any three-character report code regardless of which category is currently highlighted. As a shortcut, you can also enter a report code on the command line while viewing a report, and that report will be opened, so it is not necessary to return to the report menu.

The most recently selected category persists from one session to the next.

This example shows the screen with DB2® Measurement as the currently selected category, note that if reports do not apply to the selected measurement, they category will be displayed in red, and will not be selectable.

  File  View  Navigate  Help
R01: Performance Reports (1910/TSTJOB01)                      Row 00001 of 00008
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

  Select a category from the list below to view the available reports        
   A Admin/Miscellaneous    I IMS Measurement        E CICS Measurement    
   S Statistics/Storage     F DB2 Measurement        Q MQ Measurement      
   C CPU Usage Analysis     D DASD I/O Analysis      G Coupling Facility   
   W CPU WAIT Analysis      V Variance Reports       X Multi Address Space 
   J Java Measurement       B WebSphere App Server   H HFS Analysis 
   K SRB Measurement

Enter S to make a selection or enter the report code on the command line

  _ F01 DB2 Measurement Profile          _ F11 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Stmt
  _ F02 DB2 SQL Activity Timeline        _ F12 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Plan
  _ F03 DB2 SQL Activity by DBRM         _ F13 DB2 SQL Threads Analysis
  _ F04 DB2 SQL Activity by Statement    _ F14 DB2 CPU by Plan/Stored Proc
  _ F05 DB2 SQL Activity by Plan         _ F15 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Rq Loc
  _ F06 DB2 SQL Statement Attributes     _ F16 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Enclav
  _ F07 DB2 SQL Wait Time by DBRM        _ F17 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Corrid
  _ F08 DB2 SQL Wait Time by Statement   _ F18 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by Wkstn
  _ F09 DB2 SQL Wait Time by Plan        _ F19 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by EndUsr
  _ F10 DB2 SQL CPU/Svc Time by DBRM                                          

The individual reports are described in the chapter Performance analysis reports.