
This timeline analysis breaks the observation session duration into a number of (approximately) fixed-length, chronological time intervals. Each line represents one of these intervals. By default, 15 intervals are reported, each representing approximately the same number of samples. This illustrates any progressive resource allocation trends. The values under the heading Storage quantify the amount of virtual storage allocated to the address space for private data spaces during the interval.

A sample of the Data Space Usage Timeline report is shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
S06: Data Space Usage Timeline (0656/TSTJOB1)                 Row 00001 of 00015
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

SEQN    Seconds  Storage <-------0K------------------------------------345520K-->
0001     10.314  245572K  ========================================
0002      9.106  343232K  ======================================================
0003      8.657  245572K  ========================================
0004      9.146  343444K  ======================================================
0005      9.140  245572K  ======================================================
0006      9.083  245572K  ======================================================
0007      8.806  245572K  ========================================
0008      7.417  245572K  ========================================
0009      6.975  245572K  ========================================
0010      6.743  245572K  ========================================
0011      6.465  245572K  ========================================
0012      6.447  245572K  ========================================
0013      6.462  245572K  ========================================
0014      6.418  245572K  ========================================
0015      6.514  245572K  ========================================