Overall CPU activity
This graph is omitted for DDF measurements.
Under heading | This is displayed |
Samples | The number of samples done during the measurement upon which this graph is based. This number represents 100 percent of the data upon which the graph is based and is used as the divisor to compute the percentages shown in other lines in the graph. This number is sometimes slightly smaller than the total number of samples. Only those samples in which any TCBs existed are included in this count. Non-TCB samples can occur very early in a job step when the system is still initializing the step. |
CPU Active | The number of samples the CPU was actively processing one or more TCBs. This value represents the percentage of time CPU activity was occurring in the address space. |
WAIT | The number of samples all TCBs were in a WAIT. |
Queued | The number of samples no CPU activity was taking place because no resources (CPU or memory) were available to service the address space. At least one TCB was dispatchable and not in a WAIT. |