Detail Window

You can enter “++” or the Enter key on any line to display a popup window that contains additional information. A sample detail window for this report is shown here:

| K01 - DETAIL Window (0072/DBBGDIST)                    Row 00001 of 00111  |
| Command ===>                                             Scroll ===> CSR   | 
|+--------------- The following report line was selected ---------------+    |
|| ± DSNVGEPL Asmc Global Entry Point List    21.89 0.00 26.66 48.55    |    |  
|+----------------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |                                                                    
| SRB Attributes                                                             |
|    SRB EPA                          DSNVGEPL+10010                         |
|    SRB Type                         Enclave SRBs                           |
|    Major Prty                       00F6                                   |
|    Minor Prty                       0000                                   |
|                                                                            |
| Calculation Details                                                        |
|    zIIP/zAAP Normalization Factor       3,245/256                          |
|                                                                            |
|                                   Actual       Normalized     Normalized % |
|                                  Measurements  Measurements   of Total CPU |
|    Divisor Calculation                                                     |
|      (SETUP option: TCB+SRB)                                               |
|       Total SRB measurements            2,457      4,021          99.25    |
|       Total TCB measurements               30         30           0.74    |
|       Total for Divisor                 2,487      4,051          100.00   |
|                                                                            |
|    SRB measurements(for selected report line)                              |
|      zIIP measurements                     70        887          21.89    |
|      zAAP measurements                      0          0           0.00    |
|      GPU measurements                   1,080      1,080          26.66    |
|      Total SRB measurements             1,150      1,967          48.55    |
|                                                                            |
| Module Information for DSNVGEPL                                            |
|    Load Address     13F35000 to 13F58FFF                                   |
|    Module Size      147,456                                                |
|    Module Location  CSA                                                    |
|    Program Group    DB2 Subsystem                                          |
|    Subgroup         Agent Services Manager                                 |
|    Function         Asmc Global Entry Point List (nonexecutable Csect)     |
|                                                                            |