Detail window

To open a window that contains additional information, press the plus sign (+) twice or Enter. A sample detail window for a transaction is shown as follows:

| Q14 - DETAIL Window (0098/CICS42A)                                         |
|                                                                            |
| +--------------- The following report line was selected ---------------+   |
| | MQS1                            800     0.55  52.28        1.19 58.48|   |
| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   |
|                                                                            |
| Transaction Identification                                                 |
|    Transaction Name                          MQS1                          |
|    Number of MQ Calls                        800                           |
|    Total CPU Time     (seconds)              0.55419                       |
|    Percent CPU Time                          52.28                         |
|    Total Service Time (seconds)              1.19887                       |
|    Percent Service Time                      58.48                         |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |