Sample reports

A sample report that is fully expanded is shown as follows.

File View Navigate Help  
B18: WOLA Inbound by Servant (0998/CZSR00C)                       Row 00001 of 00007
Command ===>                                                    Scroll ===> CSR
      Servant,Req,EJB/Web,          Request      --CPU Time--        --Svc Time--
Seqno Method/Servlet Name            Count     Total      Mean     Total      Mean

00001 CZSR00CS STC01546                 60      0.63    0.01054     2.86     0.04770
± 00001 ejb/com/ibm/ola/olasamp         60      0.63    0.01054     2.86     0.04770
  → 00001 OLASample2::OLA_Sampl         60      0.09    0.00159     0.20     0.00333
    → 00001 execute:byte[]              60      0.09    0.00159     0.20     0.00333