Detail line descriptions

Each line represents a System Object – an object to which measured activity is attributed. These lines are arranged hierarchically. You can expand a line (using the “+” line command) to reveal a breakdown into subordinate objects. Each type of object shown in this report is described here:
Category is the top level in the hierarchy. CPU consumption is categorized as APPLCN, SYSTEM, DB2SQL, DATAMG, IMSDLI, ADABAS or NOSYMB.
DPA Group
Within a category – usually the SYSTEM category – load modules can be further arranged into Descriptive Program Attribution (DPA) groups. These are functional groups like: IMS™, DB2®, MVS™, SVC, etc.

By entering a '+' on the SYSTEM category line:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
C01: CPU Usage by Category (0638/TSTJOB01)                    Row 00001 of 00004
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name         Description           Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±1.8%
APPLCN       Application Code     54.36 ===========================
+YSTEM       System/OS Services   44.30 =====================
DATAMG       Data Mgmt Processing  1.03 =
NOSYMB       No Module Name        0.29

The list of objects in this category is expanded to the next level of the hierarchy to include DPA groups:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
C01: CPU Usage by Category (0638/TSTJOB01)                    Row 00001 of 00009
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name         Description           Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±1.8%
APPLCN       Application Code     54.36 ===========================
SYSTEM       System/OS Services   44.30 ======================
→ SVC          SVC Routines       42.14 =====================
→ MVS          MVS System         2.06 ==
→ NUCLEUS      Nucleus Modules     0.06
→ IMS          IMS Subsystem       0.03

DATAMG       Data Mgmt Processing  1.03 ==
NOSYMB       No Module Name        0.29
Note: Using the SETUP primary command, you can specify aggregation of modules into Group or Subgroup. Subgroup offers a more granular, less inclusive categorization than Group.

In this sample screen Subgroup has been selected in SETUP, note that the SVC group has now been replaced with SVC subgroups (a subgroup for each SVC type.)

  File  View  Navigate  Help
C01: CPU Usage by Category (0638/TSTJOB01)                    Row 00001 of 00012
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name         Description           Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±1.8%
APPLCN       Application Code     54.36 ===========================
SYSTEM       System/OS Services   44.30 ======================
→ SVCTYPE1     Type 1 System SVC  18.94 ========
→ SVCTYPE3     Type 3 System SVC  10.38 =====
→ SVCTYPE4     Type 4 System SVC   8.72 ====
→ SVCTYPE2     Type 2 System SVC   4.09 ===
→ MVS         MVS System          2.06 =
→ NUCLEUS      Nucleus Modules     0.06
→ IMS          IMS Subsystem       0.03

DATAMG       Data Mgmt Processing  1.03 =
NOSYMB       No Module Name        0.29
Name Column
The symbolic name of the Group/Subgroup appears under this heading.
Description Column
A Group/Subgroup description appears under this heading.
CPU Percent Column
The aggregation of activity measured under the named Group/Subgroup appears under this heading as a percentage of CPU time.
Load Module
A load module line appears under a Group/Subgroup line, under a Category line, or under an SVC line.

For example, to see the load modules under the Group/Subgroup line CICS®, enter + on the CICS object:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
C01: CPU Usage by Category (0621/TSTJOB01)                    Row 00001 of 00014
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name         Description           Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±3.8%
SYSTEM    System/OS Services     93.67 =========================================
→ +ICS       CICS Services       47.43 ====================
→ SVCTYPE1   Type 1 System SVC   22.43 =========
→ MVS        MVS System           5.42 ===
→ NUCLEUS    Nucleus Modules      5.27 ===
→ SVCTYPE2   Type 2 System SVC    5.12 ===
→ LEBASE     LE Base Modules      3.61 ==
→ USERSVC    User/Vendor SVC      1.95 =
→ DB2        DB2 Services         1.95 =
→ SM         Storage Manager      0.30
→ LECOBOL    LE COBOL component M 0.15

NOSYMB       No Module Name       6.02 ===
APPLCN       Application Code     0.30

The CICS Group has now been expanded to show load modules in the next hierarchical level:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
C01: CPU Usage by Category (0621/TSTJOB01)                    Row 00001 of 00014
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name         Description           Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  +1.8%
SYSTEM       System/OS Services   93.67 ========================================
→ CICS         CICS Services      47.43 ========================
  → DFHSIP      CICS Services     22.89 ===========
  → DFHAPLI     CICS Services      3.46 ==
  → DFHPGDM     PG domain - intia  3.46 ==
  → DFHFCVS     File access VSAM r 2.86 =
  → DFHZCB      VTAM working set m 2.86 =
  → DFHAIP      CICS Services      2.40 =
  → DFHMNDML    CICS Services      1.35 =
  → DFHMCX      BMS fast path modu 1.35 =
  → DFHZCP      Terminal managemen 1.05 =
  → DFHFCFR     File control file  0.90
  → DFHAPSM     AP domain - transa 0.75
Name Column
The load module name appears under this heading.
Description Column
If a DPA functional description is found for the module name, it is reported under this heading. Otherwise “Application Program” is displayed.
CPU Percent Column
The measured CPU execution for this Load Module appears under this heading.
CSECT (Control Section)
These lines can appear as subordinate, breakdown items under a load module line. If Application Performance Analyzer was able to find ESD (External Symbol Dictionary) information, during the measurement process, for a load module, these items will appear under the load module and the measured activity will be attributed to them.
Name Column
The CSECT name appears under this heading.
Description Column
This will display “CSECT in xxxxxxxx” where xxxxxxxx is the name of the load module to which the CSECT belongs.
SVC (Supervisor Call)
This line shows attribution of measured activity during execution of an MVS Supervisor Call.
Name Column
“SVC” followed by a 3-digit decimal SVC number (000 to 255) appears under this heading. For example — 'SVC120'.
Description Column
A description of the SVC service, or the name of the macro which invokes the SVC appears under this heading. For example: “GETMAIN/FREEMAIN.”
SQL Statement
This item attributes measured activity to a DB2 SQL statement.
Name Column
A sequence number is assigned by Application Performance Analyzer to each unique SQL statement observed during the measurement. This sequence number is shown in the name field. It is possible for some sequences numbers to be missing (sequence gaps) from the report. This will occur if a sequence number was assigned to SQL statements but no CPU activity was measured for these statements.
Description Column
The name of the program that issued the SQL request followed by the precompiler statement number (enclosed in parentheses) is shown here. This is followed by the SQL function (e.g. SELECT, INSERT, COMMIT).
DL/I Call
This item attributes measured activity to an IMS DL/I call.
Name Column
A sequence number is assigned to each unique DL/I call statement observed during the measurement. This sequence number is shown in the name field.
Description Column
The DL/I function code appears followed by the PCB name followed by the relative PCB number in parentheses. The location of the call, in csect+offset format, follows.
Adabas Call
This item attributes measured activity to an Adabas call.
Name Column
A sequence number is assigned to each unique Adabas call statement observed during the measurement. This sequence number is shown in the name field.
Description Column
The name of the program that issued the Adabas request and the offset within the program, followed by the Adabas command code that was issued, is displayed in this field. When Natural calls Adabas, the Natural program name and statement number are displayed. If the statement is within an INCLUDE member, the INCLUDE menber name is displayed.
Unresolved Address
This item attributes measurement activity to a range of addresses for which a corresponding load module name could not be determined.
Name Column
Activity observed in a 4096 (4K) byte range of addresses is reported in an Unresolved Address line. This range is expressed in the format “HHHHHxxx” where HHHHH are the 5 high order hexadecimal digits of the address. For example: '08915xxx' means the range from 08915000 to 08915FFF.
Description Column
“Unresolved Address” appears under this heading.