Directories repository
The Directories Repository is used for source mapping Java™ programs. It maintains your personal directory list for directories related to either individual Observation request numbers or global for all Observation requests within an STC. It is unique to each user. Up to 99 directories may be defined. Each directory path is assigned an ID-ReqNum and Sequence number. The ID-ReqNum is formatted where the ID is the STC and ReqNum is the Observation request number (“0000” for global) for the directory. The sequence number is unique within each ID-ReqNum and defines the search order for the directories in the list.
Individual directories can be added, copied, deleted and moved up or down in the list. Additionally as a bulk feature, rows selected from the list can be copied to the Windows clipboard and new directories added directly from the clipboard. The z/OS® repository is updated once the ‘OK’ button is clicked.
Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS synchronizes your Directories Repository in the GUI with your “A03 - Java Source Program Mapping” information in ISPF.