Measuring WAS servant address space activity

If during measurement of the controller, one or more WebSphere® Application Services servant address spaces become active, they will also be automatically measured in separate child observation sessions. The servant observation sessions use a sampling frequency based on the number of samples and duration entered for the WAS request, and end when the controller measurement ends. You may select any of the following extractors when WAS is selected: CICS®, DB2®, DB2+, CDB2, DB2V, and JAVA. However, these extractors are only enabled for the servant observation sessions. Upon completion of the measurement, all servant observations will include a copy of the controller’s B01 to B10 reports for your convenience.
Note: Start of changeMeasurement of servant region activity requires the Application Performance Analyzer WLM intercept be enabled during installation. Contact your system programmer to verify that the WLM intercept is enabled in Application Performance Analyzer.End of change