Measurement environment

Values relating to the environment in which the measurement took place are reported here.

Under Heading This is Displayed
Job name The name of the measured job.
Job number The job number of the measured job assigned by JES.
Step name The name of the measured step.
ASID The ASID (address space ID) of the measured job.
DB2® attach type The type of DB2 attachment, if DB2 data recorded.
Region size <16MB The region size in the 24 bit address range.
Region size >16mb The region size above the 24 bit address range.
Step program The name of the measurement step program (specified in the EXEC JCL statement).
Region type The type of region (Batch, TSO, IMS™, CICS®, etc.) measured.
System ID The system identifier of the system on which the measurement took place.
SMFID The SMF ID assigned to the system on which the measurement took place.
O/S Level The operating system and level.
APA vers. The version of Application Performance Analyzer that performed the measurement.
IBM APA APAR The APAR number of Application Performance Analyzer started task that was active when this measurement was performed.
General CPUs The number of CPUs in the system on which the measurement took place. This does not include specialty CPUs.
Specialty CPUs The number of specialty CPUs in the system on which the measurement took place.
CPU rate factor The factor used to determine CPU performance.
MIPS per CPU The speed, in machine instructions per second, of one CPU. This is derived using the CPU rate factor.
CPU model The CPU model number.
SUs per second The number of service units per CPU second.