Sample reports

This shows the report with one DBRM expanded to the second level (SQL statement):

  File  View  Navigate  Help
F07:  SQL WAIT Time by DBRM (0611/CICS23A)                    Row 00001 of 00009
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name      Stmt#  SQL Function   Percent of Total Time * 10.00%  ±2.5%
PFSAMPD                               25.49 =============
→ S00001    435  FETCH                 12.05 =======
→ S00003    541  UPDATE                 7.50 ===
→ S00004    465  FETCH                  3.95 ==
→ S00002    455  FETCH                  1.91 =
→ S00005    485  FETCH                  0.06
→ S00008    462  OPEN                   0.00
→ S00006    481  CLOSE                  0.00
→ S00007    451  CLOSE                  0.00

You can use the + command to expand an SQL statement and show the SQL text as shown here:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
F07:  SQL WAIT Time by DBRM (0611/CICS23A)                    Row 00001 of 00009
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name      Stmt#  SQL Function   Percent of Total Time * 10.00%  ±2.5%
PFSAMPD                                25.49 =============
→ S00001    435  FETCH                 12.05 =======
→ S00003    541  UPDATE                 7.50 ===
→ S00004    465  FETCH                  3.95 ==
→ S00002    455  FETCH                  1.91 =
→ S00005    485  FETCH                  0.06
→ S00008    462  OPEN                   0.00
→ S00006    481  CLOSE                  0.00
→ S00007    451  CLOSE                  0.00