Sample reports
A sample report is shown here with the level 1 lines fully expanded.
B08: WAS Servlet/JSP Activity (0144/AZSR00A) Row 00001 of 00008
Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR
Web App, Request --CPU Time-- --Svc Time--
Seqno Servlet/JSP Name Count Total Mean Total Mean
00002 PlantsByWebSphere#PlantsB 254 5.92 0.02333 1.93 0.00761
> 00004 ImageServlet 174 1.39 0.00801 1.11 0.00641
> 00003 ShoppingServlet 40 4.26 0.10668 0.78 0.01955
> 00002 /shopping.jsp 17 0.04 0.00270 0.01 0.00070
> 00006 /product.jsp 11 0.03 0.00300 0.00 0.00036
> 00010 /cart.jsp 11 0.17 0.01618 0.02 0.00181
> 00014 /login.jsp 1 0.00 0.00812 0.00 0.00100