Sample reports

A sample report is show here, it has been expanded to the second level.

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W04: Wait Time by Task ENQ/RESERVE (5331/TSTJOB01)            Row 00001 of 00013
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Name            Description               Percent of Time in WAIT * 5.00%  ±0.5%
ISPF-007        TCB=008DF5E8              6.95 =======
→ ISPFEDIT        ADS04.ISPF.ISPPROF      2.78 ===
→ SYSZRACF        SYS1.RACFDS             2.78 ===
→ SPFEDIT         USR01.SIMPLIST.TABLES   1.39 =

ISPTASK-008     TCB=008DF2D0              4.17 ====
→ SYSVTOC         BKNSM2                  1.39 =
→ SPFEDIT         USR01.SIMPLIST.L200708  1.39 =
→ SYSZRACF        SYS1.RACFDS             1.39 =

 EXEC-016       TCB=008AAE88              2.78 ===
→ SYSZRACF        SYS1.RACFDS             2.78 ===