Sample reports

A sample report is shown here, it is divided into three segments as it is scrolled down.

  File  View  Navigate  Help
S01: Measurement Profile (9263/DSN1WLM)                       Row 00001 of 00119
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

+Overall CPU Activity -------------------------------+ +Reports: ---------------+
| Samples         379  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '| |  C01  C02  C03  C05    |
| CPU Active      341   89.9% =================      | |  C07  W01  W02         |
| WAIT              4    1.0% =                      | |                        |
| Queued           34    8.9% =                      | |                        |
+----------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------+

+CPU Usage Distribution -----------------------------+ +Reports: ---------------+
| CPU Active      432  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '| |  C01  C05  C08  W01    |
| Application       3    0.6% =                      | |                        |
| System          130   30.0% ======                 | |                        |
| DB2 SQL         299   69.2% =============          | |                        |
| Data Mgmt         0    0.0%                        | |                        |
| Unresolved        0    0.0%                        | |                        |
| IMS DLI Call      0    0.0%                        | |                        |
+----------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------+

+Most CPU Active Modules-----------------------------+ +Reports: ---------------+
| CPU Active      432  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '| |  C02                   |
| DSNIDM          154   35.6% =======                | |                        |
| CAZ00681         82   18.9% ===                    | |                        |
| DSNXGRDS         58   13.4% ==                     | |                        |
| DSNK2DM          34    7.8% =                      | |                        |
| DSNBBM           21    4.8% =                      | |                        |
| +--------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------+

+Most CPU Active CSECTs------------------------------------------+ +Reports: ---+
| CPU Active                  432  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '| | C02        |
| DSNISFX2 in DSNIDM          147   34.0% ======                 | |            |
| CAZ00681                     82   18.9% ===                    | |            |
| CAZ00670                     18    4.1% =                      | |            |
| DSNXRSFN in DSNXGRDS         15    3.4% =                      | |            |
| DSNB1GET in DSNBBM           15    3.4% =                      | |            |
| +--------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------+

Scrolling down, sample report S01 continued:

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S01: Measurement Profile (9263/DSN1WLM)                       Row 00037 of 00119
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
+CPU Modes ------------------------------------------+ +Reports: ----------------+
| Active CPU      432  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '| |  S08                    |
| Supv Mode       429   99.3% =====================  | |                         |
| Prob Mode         3    0.6% =                      | |                         |
| In SVC           14    3.2% =                      | |                         |
| AMODE 24          0    0.0%                        | |                         |
| AMODE 31        166   38.4% =======                | |                         |
| AMODE 64        266   61.5% ============           | |                         |
| User Key         11    2.5% =                      | |                         |
| System Key      421   97.4% =====================  | |                         |
+----------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------+

+Most Active DB2 Plans -------------------------------------------+ +Reports: ---+
| Samples                     379  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' | |  F05       |
| VICPLAN8                    335   88.3% ===================     | |            |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------+

+Most Active Packages/DBRMs --------------------------------------+ +Reports: ---+
| Samples                     379  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' | |  F03       |
| DB2PGM81                    335   88.3% ===================     | |            |
| DB2PGM81                      1    0.2% =                       | |            |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------+

+Most Active SQL Statements --------------------------------------+ +Reports: ---+
| Samples                     379  100.0% ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' | |  F04       |
| DB2PGM81:00203 SELECT       309   81.5% ===================     | |            |
| DB2PGM81:00185 SELECT        89   23.4% ====                    | |            |
| DB2PGM81:00194 SELECT        81   21.3% ====                    | |            |
| DB2PGM81:00176 SELECT        75   19.7% ===                     | |            |
| DB2PGM81:00217 SELECT         1    0.2% =                       | |            |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------+

Scrolling down, sample report S01 continued:

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S01: Measurement Profile (9263/DSN1WLM)                       Row 00069 of 00119
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
+Request parameters-----------------------------------------------------------+
| Request number     9263                                                     |
| Description        v8 db2+                                                  |
| Sample file DSN    BNPF.SST.AVP03.R9263.RUNPGM81.SF                         |
| Retention          Mon Jan-14-2008                                          |
| Data Extractors    DB2,DB2+                                                 |
| Requesting user    AVP03            | Nbr of samples    100                 |
| Time of request    14:25:50         | Duration          1 sec               |
| Date of request    Wed Jul-18-2007  | Active/pending    Pending             |
| Job name           DSN1WLM          | Proc step name    n/a                 |
| Step name/number   n/a              | Delay time        none                |
| Step program       n/a              |                                       |

+Measurement environment------------------------------------------------------+
| Job name           DSN1WLM            | Region size <16MB  6,208K           |
| Job number         JOB02411           | Region size >16MB  32,768K          |
| Step name          DB21               | Step program       DB2PGM8          |
| Proc step name                        | Region type        Batch            |
| ASID               36                 | DB2 Attach type    RRSAF            |
| System ID          X235               | IBM APA Version    2.400A           |
| SMFID              X235               |                                     |
| O/S level          z/OS 01.08.00      |                                     |
| Nbr of CPUs        3                  | CPU model          2096             |
| CPU rate factor    7,321              | CPU version        00               |
| MIPS per CPU       45                 | SUs per second     2185.4           |

Scrolling down, sample report S01 continued:

  File  View  Navigate  Help
S01: Measurement Profile (9263/DSN1WLM)                       Row 00100 of 00119
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
+Measurement statistics--------------------------------------------------------+
| Start time         14:26:01           | Start date         Wed Jul-18-2007   |
| End time           14:26:05           | End date           Wed Jul-18-2007   |
| Total samples      381                | Duration           3.87 sec          |
| Sampling rate      98.44 per sec      | Report dataspace   0.16MB            |
| CPU/WAIT samples   345                | Sample dataspace   1.63MB            |
| TCB samples        379                | Meas significance  91.02%            |
| Overall CPU        64.49%             | CPU queued samples 34                |
| Pages in           0                  | EXCPs              34                |
| Pages out          0                  |                                      |

+CPU consumption---------------------------------------------------------------+
| CPU active samples 341                | CPU time TCB       4.98 sec          |
| CPU active time    89.97%             | CPU time SRB       0.02 sec          |
| CPU WAIT samples   4                  | Service Units      10,927            |
| CPU WAIT time      1.05%              | Measurement SRB    0.35 sec          |