This panel allows you to specify information needed by the Source Program Mapping (SPM) feature for Java™ programs.
During the measurement, the measurement task determines and records source file names for each of the Java classes in which execution is observed. However, the source file names are not fully qualified. Use this panel to specify sequences of file name prefixes that will be concatenated as high level qualifiers to the captured source program file names in order to form fully qualified HFS path names.
You can store a default, global list of prefixes and you can store a list for a specific measurement. When attempting to resolve file names, SPM will search the directories specified for the particular measurement first, and then it will search the global list.
If you enable Application Performance Analyzer for jar file source mapping support, the directories specified in the A03 panel are searched for jar files when you attempt to find the Java class source file. If a standalone Java source file is not found in a directory, any jar files in that directory would be searched for a matching Java source file. The jar files must be encoded in UTF-8 format. If you add Java source encoded in EBCDIC to a jar file, the source would not be extracted in readable form. Jar support is provided primarily for applications that are developed on workstations, such as WebSphere applications. Contact your system programmer to verify whether jar file support is enabled.
- An input area in which you specify a file name prefix to be added to a list, and an option specifying whether you are working with the global (default) list or the list for the current measurement.
- A scrollable list of file name prefixes. The list you are working with (current measurement or default) appears at the top of the list.
A sample Java source program mapping panel is shown here:
File View Navigate Help
A03: Java Source Program Mapping (7544/JVMTST01) Row 00001 of 00007
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Enter "/"
/ To work with file name prefix list for curent measurement. Blank
for global (default) file name prefix list.
Enter new HFS path name prefix to be added (up to 150 characters)
Seqn ID-ReqNum SrchSeq Path Name
0001 SST -7544 01 /u/java/src
0002 SST -7544 02 /u/jtest/pathOne
0003 SST -7537 01 /u/jtest/pathThree/security/Section/src
0004 SST -7537 02 /u/java/src
0005 SST -7537 03 /u/jtest/pathFive/development/source
0006 SST -7537 04 /u/jtest/pathFour
0007 SST -7537 05 /u/jtest/pathTwo/alphaAlpha/bravoBravo/charlieCharli