Reason codes

When CAZAPI01 returns control to your program, GPR 0 and reason_code contain a reason code. The following table identifies reason codes in hexadecimal and decimal formats and describes what each means:
Table 1. Reason codes
Hexadecimal Decimal Explanation
00 00 Not applicable.
04 04 Caller is not running in TCB mode.
08 08 Caller's PASN and SASN are not equal.
0C 12 Caller is not running with DAT-on.
10 16 Caller is running disabled.
14 20 Caller is in problem state and not key 8.
18 24 Caller is not in primary or AR ASC modes.
1C 28 The STCID field contained a null or blank first character, CAZAPI01 attempted to access the currently executing Application Performance Analyzer STC but found more than one STC executing.
20 32 The specified STCID was not defined to this system.
24 36 There are no Application Performance Analyzer STCs active on this system.
28 40 The specified STCID is not currently active on this system.
2C 44 Application Performance Analyzer's name token was not created. This indicates that no Application Performance Analyzer STC has ever been started on this system since the last IPL.
30 48 Command string contains an unrecognized command verb. Currently, only the CANCEL, DELETE, KEEP, NEW and TNEW commands are allowed to be submitted via this API.
34 52 The Application Performance Analyzer STC detected an error while processing the command. Refer to the message(s) returned in the Reply buffer for more information.
38 56 The Application Performance Analyzer STC command interface has abended. Depending on the error, an SVC dump may have been created. If an SVC dump was not produced then, the interface's error recovery will have percolated the abend up to the next error handler in the caller's address space.
3C 60 Registration has been denied for Application Performance Analyzer. See message CAZ3969S on Message Guide for details. This message returned in the API caller's reply area.