
This report maps measured CPU activity to its corresponding source program statements. You use the “P” line command, on an eligible line command field, to launch this report. (See the individual Performance Analysis reports to determine which lines allow the “P” command.) Source statements from a single compile (or assembly) unit are shown. Depending on the selected SETUP options, all or part of the source program is shown. A count value is shown for statements in which CPU activity was measured; each count value indicates the number of times execution in the statement was observed. Optionally, depending on a SETUP option, the counts are also shown graphically.

This report also shows attribution of CPU usage measured in system modules referred back to the points of invocation in application modules (“Referred Attribution”). This referred attribution line is displayed directly under the source statement, and is displayed in pink.

A sample report is shown here with the graphics option turned off.

  File  View  Navigate  Help
P01: Source Program Attribution (0453/TSTJOB01)               Row 00001 of 00043
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

LineNo Offset Count Source Statement

000120                    *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
000122 00034A                  Open Input   DataFile1
                 9  <- CPU time attributed to above statement
000124 00036C                  If DataFile1-file-status-ok
000128                         End-If
000130 000388                  Open Output  DataFile2
                 7  <- CPU time attributed to above statement
000132 0003A6                  If DtaFile2-file-status-ok
000167                    *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
000169 0004B0    2             Read DataFile1
000170                            At End
000171 0004F4                        Set DataFile1-eof To True
000186 00050A                  Move dataRecord to dataRecordCopy
000188 000510    8             Perform until Char-Column > 80
000190 000524                     If dataChar(Char-Column) Not = Space
000193 00056C                        Move 1 to Word-Length(Word-Count)
000195 000582    6                   Perform until dataChar(Char-Column) = Spac
000196                                             or Char-Column > 80
000197 0005AE                           Add 1 to Char-Column
000229 00066A                     Move Word-Length(Word-Subscript1) to ws-Word-
000231 000688  735                Perform until Word-Updated or
  File  View  Navigate  Help
P01: Source Program Attribution (0453/TSTJOB01)               Row 00001 of 00043
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

LineNo Offset Count Source Statement
000169 0004B0    2             Read DataFile1
000170                            At End
000171 0004F4                        Set DataFile1-eof To True
000186 00050A                  Move dataRecord to dataRecordCopy
000188 000510    8             Perform until Char-Column > 80
000190 000524                     If dtaChar(Char-Column) Not = Space
000193 00056C                        Move 1 to Word-Length(Word-Count)
000195 000582    6                   Perform until dataChar(Char-Column) = Spac
000196                                             or Char-Column > 80
000197 0005AE                           Add 1 to Char-Column
000229 00066A                     Move Word-Length(Word-Subscript1) to ws-Word-
000231 000688  735                Perform until Word-Updated or
000232                                          Word-Subscript2 > Total-Word-Co
000235 0006D0                        Move Word-Length(Word-Subscript1) to ws-Wo
000237 0006EE   49                   If All-Word-Value(Word-Subscript2) =
000238                                  dataRecordCopy(ws-Word-Column:ws-Word-L
000239 000730                            Add 1 to All-Word-Count(Word-Subscript2
000249 00079E                        Move Total-Word-Count to Word-Subscript2
000250 0007A8                        Move 1 to All-Word-Count(Word-Subscript2)
000251 0007C2   15                   Move dataRecordCopy(ws-Word-Column:ws-Word
000252                                    to All-Word-Value(Word-Subscript2)
000253                            End-If