Sample reports

A sample report is shown here, it has been expanded to the second level.

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F14: DB2 CPU by Plan/Stored Proc (0888/CICS23A)               Row 00001 of 00019
Command ===> __________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 

Seqno     Description           Percent of CPU time * 10.00%  ±2.3%
P0001     DB2MAIN               39.68 ====================
→ DB2SQL    SQL Processing      38.41 ===================
→ SYSTEM    System/OS Services   1.16 =
→ APPLCN    Application Code     0.05
→ NOSYMB    No Module Name       0.05
→ DATAMG    Data Mgmt Processin  0.00

P0002     TRSAMP                35.29 =================
→ DB2SQL    SQL Processing      34.07 ================
→ SYSTEM    System/OS Services   1.11 =
→ NOSYMB    No Module Name       0.11
→ APPLCN    Application Code     0.00
→ DATAMG    Data Mgmt Processin  0.00

P0003     WLSAMP1M              24.79 ==========
→ DB2SQL    SQL Processing      24.45 ==========
→ SYSTEM    System/OS Services   0.33
→ APPLCN    Application Code     0.00
→ DATAMG    Data Mgmt Processin  0.00