Batch import
The batch import program CAZIMPRT is used to load a single observation or a hierarchy of observations into the Application Performance Analyzer R02 Observation Session List. This can be a native sample file, one that has been previously exported, or an exported hierarchy of observations. The import program creates a new observation(s) in the target system, assigning a new request number to each observation and maintaining the hierarchy as exported. The date and time of the imported request is set to the current date and time and the expiry date is recalculated based on the rules of the importing system.
Sample template JCL is supplied in hlq.SCAZSAMP in member
//CAZIMPRT JOB (job parameters)
- Add the JOB parameters to meet your system requirements.
- On the EXEC statement, replace stcid with the Application Performance Analyzer instance id of the system you want to import into. This parameter can be omitted if only one instance of Application Performance Analyzer is running on your image.
- On the STEPLIB DD statement, replace hlq.SCAZAUTH with the name of your installation’s authorized library containing Application Performance Analyzer’s load modules.
- On the SAMPIN DD statement, replace inputdsn with the name of the native sample file or TSO XMIT file containing the sample to be imported.