This dialog is displayed by the ‘P’ line command and the A01 Source Program Mapping panel. It is displayed when you have requested that your SPM dataset list be searched for a source member with a compile date/time match, but no date/time match can be found. A list of datasets containing members which match the SPM mapping request, but not the date and time, is presented in the Pick List.
From this list you can select (pick) an SPM dataset that you wish to use for source mapping purposes. After selecting an SPM dataset and pressing Enter, the selected SPM dataset and member will be loaded and bound to the current observation session. Also, when displayed from the A01 Source Program Mapping panel, a new row is added to the A01 SPM list reflecting this addition.
A sample pick list panel is shown here:
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A011: Source Program Mapping Pick List (2399/TSTJOB01) Row 00001 of 00002
Command ===> _________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Member Name: LPFRAYVS
Observed Compile Date and Time: n/a
Seqn Dataset Name Compile Date and Time
0001 USR1.TST.COBOL.LISTING2 2006/01/30 07:09:05
0002 USR1.TST.COBOL.LISTING5 2006/01/30 11:16:09
0003 USR1.TST.COBOL.LISTING7 2007/07/02 13:21:29
0004 USR1.TST.COBOL.LISTINGE 2006/04/17 16:45:02
| No match found. Select a dataset from the list and press Enter, or press PF3 |
| to return to the previous panel without a selection. This Pick List is |
| displayed because you specified a blank dataset name and 'Match on Compile |
| Date & Time', but no date and time matches were found for this member in |
| your list of datasets. |