Use this report to see detailed information about each of the measured SQL statements. This is useful as a reference report when working with printed copies of other DB2® reports that do not show full SQL statement details. (When browsing online, the pop-up detail windows show this information.) The following information is shown for each SQL statement for which activity was observed.
Under Heading | This is Displayed |
SQL Statement ID | A unique sequence number assigned by Application Performance Analyzer to the SQL statement. This is shown in other DB2 reports that display SQL statement information. |
Subsystem name | The name of the DB2 subsystem under which the SQL statement was executed. |
Attachment type | The type of DB2 attachment for the thread under which the SQL statement was executed. |
Plan name | The name of the DB2 plan under which the SQL statement was executed. |
Plan Bind Time | The date and time of the BIND of the plan. |
DBRM Name | The name of the DBRM under which the SQL statement was executed. |
DBRM Token | The DBRM consistency token. This is an 8 byte hexadecimal value that identifies the DBRM. |
DBRM Date/Time | The date and time of the DBRM. This is the time at which the precompiler created the DBRM. |
Package ID | The package ID. This is omitted if there was no package bound for the DBRM. |
Location | The location name associated with the package. This is omitted if there was no package bound for the DBRM. |
Collection Name | The collection name for the package. This is omitted if there was no package bound for the DBRM. |
Package Bind Time | The date and time of the BIND of the package. This is omitted if there was no package bound for the DBRM. |
SQL Function | The SQL function: SELECT, UPDATE, FETCH, etc. |
Precmplr Stmt# | The statement number assigned by the precompiler to the SQL statement. |
Static/Dynamic | This indicates if the SQL request was Static or Dynamic. |
DBRM Section# | The section number assigned by the precompiler to the SQL statement. Groups of related statements (such as OPEN, FETCH, CLOSE) are correlated using the section number. |
PREPARE Stmt# | The statement number of the corresponding PREPARE statement. This field only applies to dynamic SQL statement that operate on SQL text processed by a corresponding PREPARE statement. In order for this information to appear, it is required that execution of the corresponding PREPARE was sampled. |
CSECT/Module | The name of the load module and CSECT in which the SQL call was issued. |
Offset of Call | The offset of the SQL call return address in the CSECT or module. |
SQL Req Count | The number of SQL calls counted for the indicated statement. This information is available only if the DB2+ measurement option was active. It indicates the number of calls counted at the indicated SQL statement number for the duration of the measurement. Counting begins when the first SQL call is sampled. |
Sample Count | The number of Samples in which execution of the indicate statement was measured. |
Total CPU Time | The total CPU time consumed by processing of the indicated statement in the measured region. This information is available only if the DB2+ measurement option was active. It indicates the accumulated CPU time used by the indicated SQL statement number for the duration of the measurement. Accumulation begins when the first SQL call is sampled. |
Total Service Time | The total service time for processing of the indicated statement. This information is available only if the DB2+ measurement option was active. It indicates the accumulated service time used by the indicated SQL statement number for the duration of the measurement. Accumulation begins when the first SQL call is sampled. |
SQL Statement | The SQL statement text. |