The NEW command is used to create a new Observation Request.
- Mandatory.
Indicates that this is a NEW request.
- Mandatory. Specifies the name of the job (or started task or TSO user) to be measured.
- Creating multi-job measurements (%)
- You can also specify a special pattern character of percent sign “%”.
This acts as a place holder for zero or more characters in the name.
It can be placed anywhere in the name except as the ninth character
in an eight character jobname. A patterned name indicates that you
want to measure all active jobs whose jobname matches the pattern.
You cannot specify a jobname pattern of “%”.
The maximum number of jobs that can be measured from a multi-job request is defined during the installation of Application Performance Analyzer. When this limit is exceeded, Application Performance Analyzer stops creating measurements for this request, and the status of the request is displayed as ‘Stoppd’. The measurements that executed (within the limit) are accessible for report viewing under the request. To increase the limit, contact your system programmer.
Example: %MSMPP% causes one sampling request to be created for each active job whose jobname contains “MSMPP”.
The ASID keyword is ignored when the jobname specifes a pattern.
The ACTIVE keyword is automatically set to YES when the jobname specifies a pattern.
- Measuring a specific DB2® stored procedure or user-defined function
- To measure a specific DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function, use a dash (-) for the JOBNAME. The information identifying the DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function must be supplied in the DB2SP keyword. The following keywords are also accepted; SYSTEMS, DESCR, SAMPLES, DURATION, NOTIFY, EXPDAYS, USSOBS, FEATURES, LIBS, DIRS and DB2IMAX. All other keywords are invalid and will result in an error. This feature is only available when the WLM Intercept is activated during Application Performance Analyzer installation, and you are given appropriate security access to it. Contact your system programmer for access if necessary.
- Measuring a specific IMS™ transaction across multiple MPP regions
- To measure a group of IMS MPP regions that are eligible to schedule a specific IMS transaction code, use a dash (-) for the JOBNAME. The IMS subsystem ID is specified in the IMSID keyword. The transaction code is specified in the ITRAN keyword. The region names are specified in the JOBNAMES keyword. The following keywords are also accepted; SYSTEMS, DESCR, SAMPLES, DURATION, NOTIFY, EXPDAYS, FEATURES, LIBS, and IMSIMAX. All other keywords are invalid and will be ignored or result in an error. This feature is only available when the IMS Intercept is activated during Application Performance Analyzer installation, and you are given appropriate security access to it. Contact your system programmer for access if necessary.
- Mandatory within a sysplex.
Specifies a target system within a sysplex. You can also enter an asterisk (*), in which case the target job is measured on the first system to run it. When an asterisk (*) is entered, the keyword ACTIVE=YES is invalid. This keyword is invalid in a non-sysplex environment.
- Optional unless set as mandatory during installation.
Specifies a free form text description for this observation request. The text must be within single quotes, and if mandatory must be a minimum of 8 characters.
Example: DESCR= 'Any user text goes here'
- Optional.
If omitted, the default number of samples will be used. Specifies the number of samples to take during the measurement.
Example: SAMPLES=10000
- Optional.
If omitted, the default duration will be used. Specifies the duration of the measurement in seconds.
Example: DURATION=120
- Optional.
Specifies a TSO userid to notify when the measurement ends.
Example: NOTIFY=USER01
- Optional.
Specify YES to indicate that the measurement should continue to run until the job step has completed, even if the target number of observations has been reached.
- Optional.
This indicates that sampling should be delayed for the specified amount of time (in seconds). After the target job step starts, Application Performance Analyzer will delay the start of the measurement for the number of seconds specified.
- Optional.
If omitted the installation default will be used.
Specifies the number of days the measurement data for this observation request should be retained on before being automatically deleted. To keep the measurement data indefinitely, use EXPDAYS=0.
Example: EXPDAYS=30
- Optional.
Specify the maximum number of spawned address spaces or substeps to measure for a USS observation, up to the maximum defined in the system configuration. The same sampling frequency will be used for each spawned address space or substep. Sampling overhead can be high if several spawned address spaces are running simultaneously.
When this field is specified, the collection of measurements will be grouped under a USS master record on the Observation List panel.
- Optional.
Specifies which data extractors, if any, need to be turned on for this measurement. The data extractor values are: CICS®, CICS+, IMS, IMS+, DB2, DB2+, DB2V, DB2X, CDB2, MQS, MQ+, Java™, ADA, NAT, WAS, SRB. A list of data extractors is separated by commas.
If your installation has any default extractors set, the FEATURES command will override these. If you need to override default extractors and want to turn all extractors off, specify FEATURES=(BATCH).
- Optional.
Enter the value to limit the number of DB2+ SQL call interceptions for which full details will be written to the sample file. Collecting full details on every interception allows the F02 Timeline report to report exact times for all SQL calls. The F02 report will be truncated at the number of calls specified in this field. The DB2+ data extractor continues to collect the data it requires for the other reports for the duration of the measurement. The value cannot exceed the default value specified for DB2IMaxTraceSize during Application Performance Analyzer installation.
Example: DB2IMAX=(10000)
- Optional.
Enter the value to limit the number of IMS+ DLI call interceptions for which full details will be written to the sample file. Collecting full details on every interception allows the I02 and I03 Timeline reports to report exact times for all DLI calls and IMS transactions. The I02 and I03 reports will be truncated at the number of calls specified in this field. The IMS+ data extractor continues to collect the data it requires for the other reports for the duration of the measurement. The value cannot exceed the default value specified for IMSIMaxTraceSize during Application Performance Analyzer installation.
Example: IMSIMAX=(10000)
- Optional.
Enter the value to limit the number of MQ+ call interceptions for which full details are written to the sample file. The Q11 MQ+ Activity Timeline report is truncated at the number of calls that is specified in this field. The MQ+ data extractor continues to collect the data that it requires for the other reports during the measurement. The value cannot exceed the default value that is specified for MQIMaxTraceSize during the installation of Application Performance Analyzer.
Example: MQIMAX=(10000)
- Optional.
Specifies additional load libraries to be searched. A list of data set names is separated by commas. A maximum of 10 data set names is allowed.
- Optional.
Specifies up to 440 bytes of HFS directory path names to be searched by Application Performance Analyzer, enclosed in quotes and each separated by one or more spaces. These are applicable only when sampled HFS programs have relative path names. The LIBS and DIRS keywords are mutually exclusive.
Example: DIRS=("/u/axx01 /u/axx01/cpp")
- Optional.
If omitted, the first step will be measured.
Multiple STEP keywords can be specified. Specifying multiple STEP keywords creates a multistep request. A maximum of 20 STEP keywords is allowed.
Each STEP can have multiple positional parameters:- stepnum specifies the step number. If stepnum is specified, none of the other 3 step specification parameters can be included.
- pgmname specifies the program name. If pgmname is specified, none of the other 3 step specification parameters can be included.
- stepname specifies the step name. It can be specified as just a step name, or in the format stepname.procstep. If this parameter is specified, the stepnum and pgmname parameters must not be specified. If stepname is specified without .procstep, it identifies an EXEC statement that contains a PGM parameter, not one that invokes a procedure.
If the format stepname.procstep is coded, then stepname identifies an EXEC statement that invoked a procedure, and procstep identifies the EXEC statement containing a PGM parameter within that procedure.
This parameter can not be specified when selecting an active job.- Example 1: STEP=3
- This indicates that the third step in the job should be measured.
- Example 2: STEP=(,TESTPGM1)
- This indicates that the first step that runs the program TESTPGM1 should be measured.
- Example 3: STEP=(,,STEP007)
- This indicates that the step named STEP007 should be measured, where STEP007 is the step name on and EXEC statement that executes a program (not an EXEC statement that invokes a procedure).
- Example 4: STEP=(,,PROC02.STEP007)
- This indicates that the step named STEP007 within the procedure invoked by step PROC02 should be measured.
- Example 5:STEP=3 STEP=5 STEP=6 STEP=(,,STEP012)
- This shows STEP being repeated to create a multistep measurement.
- Optional.
Specify ALLSTEPS=YES to create a multi-step request which measures all steps in the job. When specified for a threshold measurement on the TNEW command, all steps in the job that meet the threshold criteria are measured. When ALLSTEPS=YES is specified, the STEP keyword is meaningless, and will be ignored if coded.
- Mandatory.
Specify YES if the job is active, or NO if the job is not active.
- Optional.
If omitted, Application Performance Analyzer will measure the first job it finds with the JOBNAME. Specifies the ASID, in decimal, of the job to be measured. Only applies when ACTIVE=YES.
Example: ASID=1023
- Mandatory when CICS is
specified in FEATURES, otherwise does not apply.
Specifies one or more CICS trancodes to measure. For all transactions, use CTRAN=*. A list of transactions is separated by commas. A maximum of 16 transactions is allowed.
Example 2: CTRAN=*
- Optional, if omitted the default of NO will be used.
Specify YES if you want to measure the CICS system transactions.
- Optional.
Specifies one or more CICS terminal ids to measure. A list of terminal ids is separated by commas. You can also specify a terminal id pattern, such as a terminal id prefix followed by an asterisk (*) or an asterisk itself. The asterisk indicates that all terminals starting with the prefix are to be included in the measurement. The asterisk on its own indicates that all terminals are to be included. A maximum of 8 terminal ids / patterns is allowed.
- Optional.
If omitted, the default value of YES will be used.
Specify NO if you do not want to measure CICS transactions that run non-terminal attached.
- Optional.
When measuring a single IMS/MPP or IMS/IFP region as entered in the JOBNAME parameter, this specifies an IMS transaction to include when measuring that IMS/MPP or IMS/IFP region. You can also specify a transaction ID pattern, such as a transaction ID prefix followed by an asterisk (*) or an asterisk by itself. The asterisk indicates that all transaction ids starting with the prefix are to be included in the measurement. The asterisk on its own indicates that all transactions are to be included.
Note: Values in ITRAN, IPROG and IUSER are ANDed together to determine which transactions are included in a measurement.Note: When limiting the observation to specific IMS transactions in an MPP or IFP region, Application Performance Analyzer samples only when the transactions are running. The observation continues to run for the requested duration.When measuring multiple IMS/MPP regions simultaneously, as indicated by a dash ‘-‘ in the JOBNAME parameter and a list of IMS/MPP regions in the JOBNAMES parameter, this specifies a single IMS transaction to include when measuring the IMS/MPP regions. In this case, the complete transaction code must be provided and the IPROG and IUSER parameters are not applicable.
- Optional.
Specifies an IMS program to include when measuring an MPP or IFP region. You can also specify a program name pattern, such as a program name prefix followed by an asterisk (*) or an asterisk by itself. The asterisk indicates that all programs starting with the prefix are to be included in the measurement. The asterisk on its own indicates that all programs are to be included.
Note: Values in ITRAN, IPROG and IUSER are ANDed together to determine which transactions are included in a measurement.Note: When limiting the observation to specific IMS programs in an MPP or IFP region, Application Performance Analyzer samples only when the transactions associated with the programs are running. The observation continues to run for the requested duration. - IUSER
- Optional.
Specifies an IMS user id to include when measuring an MPP or IFP region. You can also specify a user id pattern, such as a user id prefix followed by an asterisk (*) or an asterisk by itself. The asterisk indicates that transactions initiated by user IDs starting with the prefix are to be included in the measurement. The asterisk on its own indicates that transactions initiated by all users are to be included.
Note: Values in ITRAN, IPROG and IUSER are ANDed together to determine transactions that are included in a measurement.Note: When limiting the observation to specific IMS users in an MPP or IFP region, Application Performance Analyzer samples only when the transactions initiated by the IMS users are running. The observation continues to run for the requested duration. - DDFFILTERS
- Optional
Identifies the DDF filtering criteria that are used to limit the scope of a DDF measurement, to specific correlation id, end user id or workstation id or any combination. It accepts up to three sub-keywords; CORRID, EUSERID and WKSTNID. Values in CORRID, EUSERID, and WKSTNID are ANDed together to determine SQL requests that are included in the measurement. In any of these sub-keywords, you may also specify a wildcard pattern using an asterisk (*) or a percent sign (%). An asterisk is used to indicate one or more characters that can appear in place of the asterisk. It can be used as a prefix or a suffix, or both. Alternatively, a percent sign is used to indicate any single character, and can appear any number of times.
- CORRID=(corrid)
- Optional.
Specify a DB2 correlation id or pattern. This identifies a DB2 correlation id to be included in the measurement when measuring a DDF address space. A correlation id of null (binary zero) may be specified by entering ‘,NULL’ as the corrid.
- EUSERID=(euserid)
- Optional. Specify an end user id or pattern. This identifies an end user id to be included in the measurement when measuring a DDF address space. An end user id of null (binary zero) may be specified by entering ‘,NULL’ as the euseridd.
- WKSTNID=(wkstnid)
- Optional. Specify a workstation id or pattern. This identifies a workstation id to be included in the measurement when measuring a DDF address space. A workstation id of null (binary zero) may be specified by entering ‘,NULL’ as the wkstnid.
This indicates that remote SQL with a null correlation id, originating from the user DDFUSER1 from any workstation will be included for the measurement for the observed DDF address space.
- Optional.
Identifies the DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function to be measured. The keyword is valid only when you enter a dash (-) for the JOBNAME. It requires 4 out of 5 positional parameters to identify the type (stored procedure or user-defined function), the DB2 subsystem name or group attach name, the schema name and the name of the procedure or function, in the format DB2SP=(type,ssnm,schema,name,ganm). The ssnm and ganm positional parameters are mutually exclusive.
Type can be either P for stored procedure or F for user-defined function. For both schema and name, you can also specify a name pattern, for example, a name prefix followed by an asterisk (*) or an asterisk by itself. Application Performance Analyzer will measure the first DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function executed by the DB2 subsystem that matches the schema and name concatenation. If a single asterisk is coded in both schema and name, Application Performance Analyzer will measure the first stored procedure or user-defined function executed by the DB2 subsystem.
This indicates that the first occurrence of DB2 stored procedure SCHEMA.SP1, which runs in the DB2 Subsystem DSN1 is to be measured.Example1: DB2SP=(P,DSN1,SCHEMA1,SP1)
This indicates that the first occurrence of user-defined function SCHEMA2.UDF2 that runs in the DB2 Subsystem belonging to group DGRP is to be measured.Example2: DB2SP=(F,,SCHEMA2,UDF2,DGRP)
This indicates that the first occurrence of stored procedure SP1 with a schema that begins with SCH, that runs in the DB2 Subsystem DSN1 is to be measured.Example3: DB2SP=(P,DSN1,SCH*,SP1)
- Optional.
Specifies the IMS subsystem ID for an IMS Multiple Region request. An IMS Multiple Region request is identified by specifying a dash in the JOBNAME keyword. Refer to the JOBNAME parameter description for details.
- Optional.
Specifies the names of the IMS MPP regions to be measured for an IMS Multiple Region request. The region names must be separated by commas and enclosed in quotes. An IMS Multiple Region request is identified by specifying a dash in the JOBNAME keyword. Refer to the JOBNAME parameter description for details.
- Optional
Identifies the filtering criteria that are used to limit the scope of a WebSphere® control region measurement to specific requests, applications, and origins. It is also used to exclude image files and specific file extensions from the measurement. It accepts the following sub-keywords; REQNAME, APPNAME, ORIGIN, NOIMAGES, and FILEEXT. Values in REQNAME, APPNAME, and ORIGIN are ANDed together to determine the WebSphere activity that is included in the measurement. NOIMAGES and FILEEXT are specified to exclude image files and specific file extensions from the reports.
- REQNAME=(‘reqname’)
- Optional.
Specify a WebSphere request name or pattern. This identifies a WebSphere request to be included in the measurement. It is a string of non-blank characters up to 79 bytes long. A trailing asterisk can be used as a wildcard character. Embedded asterisks are not treated as wildcards.
- APPNAME=(‘appname’)
- Optional.
Specify a WebSphere application name or pattern. This identifies a WebSphere application to be included in the measurement. It is a string of non-blank characters up to 79 bytes long. A trailing asterisk can be used as a wildcard character. Embedded asterisks are not treated as wildcards.
- ORIGIN=(H|I|J,’origin’)
- Optional.
Specify the origin type, and an IP address, a host name or a job name to determine the WebSphere activity to be included in the measurement. It is a string of non-blank characters up to 79 bytes long.
H - Indicates the origin is a host name. In this case, the origin is a string of non-blank characters up to 79 bytes long. A trailing asterisk can be used as a wildcard character. WebSphere can sometimes show an IP address as a host name. To filter these, you must specify the filter value as an IP address, not a host name.
I - Indicates the origin is an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If a wildcard is used, it can only appear after a dot separator (for IPv4) or a colon separator (for IPv6). For example: 207.245.47.* or 2001:db8:85a3:0:*. However, a wildcard cannot be used with an IPv6 filter if it contains two consecutive colons. For example, the following filter value is invalid: 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:*. This is because the two consecutive colons and the asterisk wildcard both represent a varying number of missing values.
J – Indicates the origin is a job name. It can be from 1 to 8 alpha-national characters. A trailing asterisk can be used as a wildcard.
- Optional.Specify whether images are to be excluded (Y) or included (N) from the measurement. Image files are identified by request names that end in any of the following file extensions:
.gif .jpg .jpeg .png .ico
- FILEEXT=(‘extensions’)
- Optional.Specify file extensions that are to be excluded from the measurement. One or more file extensions may be specified, each separated by a space. Any requests for those file types will be filtered out. For example: .
Any WebSphere request whose request name ends in one of the specified file extensions will be filtered out. Each file extension must begin with a period and must be followed by at least one non-blank character. Wildcards cannot be used in this filter.css .pdf .txt
This indicates WebSphere activity managed by the WebSphere control region AZSR00A will be measured. It will include all requests and applications that originate from the IP address Images and files with the extension .ccc and .txt will not be included in the measurement.JOBNAME=(AZSR00A) WASFILTERS=(REQNAME='*',APPNAME='*',ORIGIN=(I,''), NOIMAGES=Y,FILEEXT='.ccc .txt’)
- Mandatory
if this is a Future Schedule request, otherwise does not apply.
Multiple SCHDDATE keywords can be specified to schedule future requests on multiple dates and times. Date/time is specified in the format: yyyy/mm/dd@hh:mm.
Example:SCHDDATE=2004/12/03@16:00 SCHDDATE=2004/12/10@16:00 SCHDDATE=2004/12/17@16:00 SCHDDATE=2004/12/24@16:00
This creates a future schedule request to run a measurement on each of the four dates and times specified.
- Optional.
This is only used for future schedule requests (one or more SCHDDATE keywords must be present), where the job is expected to be active (ACTIVE=YES specified). Specifies that Application Performance Analyzer should retry the request if the target job was not active on the first attempt. Also specifies how many times to retry.
Specified in the format: (mm, FOR=nn), where mm is the number of minutes between retry attempts, and nn is the number of times to retry.
Example: RETRYAFTER=(15,FOR=3)
- Optional.
This is only used for future schedule requests (one or more SCHDDATE keywords must be present), where the measurement is to begin when the job becomes active (ACTIVE=NO specified). Specifies the number of minutes that this request will wait for the job to become active before Application Performance Analyzer expires the request.
Example: SCHDSPAN=120
- Optional.
This indicates that for a specified time interval, if the target job runs again, the measurement should be run again. The For= parm indicates how many times the measurement should potentially be repeated. The time interval is reset after each rerun of the target job. The maximum time interval for a future schedule request is 999 minutes. The maximum time interval for a single occurrence request is 31,680 minutes (22 days).
Example: RUNAGAIN=(60,FOR=3)
This means that for 60 minutes after the target job starts, Application Performance Analyzer will run the measurement again, if the job starts again. It will do this up to three times.
This means that Application Performance Analyzer will run the measurement the first time the job runs, and again the next five times the job runs.
- Optional.Specifies the name of the sample data set to be created for this measurement. This keyword is applicable only when the resulting measurement generates a single observation request. The following options that could potentially generate multiple observation requests will cause the request to fail:
- Multi-step or all steps
- Schedule with more than one date/time combination
- RunAgain
- Collateral DB2
- WebSphere Requests
- IMS Multiple Region Requests
- USS Requests
The SAMPDSN keyword accepts the positional parameter dsn and the keyword parameter REPLACE, in the format SAMPDSN=(dsn,REPLACE=Y|N) where:- dsn - is the data set name for the sample file. Symbol substitution is not allowed for this data set name. You must ensure that appropriate security rules are in place to secure this data set against unauthorized access, while allowing access where necessary. For more details on security access and rules, please refer to the Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS Customization Guide.
- REPLACE indicates whether the sample data set is to be replaced,
if it already exists. The default is 'N' - don't replace. The rules
regarding REPLACE are as follows:
- When the request is submitted, Application Performance Analyzer checks if the data set exists. If it does and REPLACE=Y is specified, the request is accepted, otherwise it is failed.
- When sampling completes, Application Performance Analyzer again checks if the data set exists. If it does and REPLACE=Y is specified, the original sample file is deleted and reallocated, otherwise the request is failed.
Note: Use REPLACE=Y with caution. If the data set already exists and is replaced, it is possible that multiple observations may now point to the same sample file. For example: If Request #2 specifies a SAMPDSN data set name that is the same as that of Request #1; and Request #2 replaces this data set with sample data from Request #2; then both requests will now point to the same sample file. Therefore the reports for both requests will be identical.Example: SAMPDSN=(CAZ.SAMPLE,REPLACE=Y)
This means for this observation request, Application Performance Analyzer will create a sample file with the name CAZ.SAMPLE. If that sample file already exists, Application Performance Analyzer will replace it with the sampling data for this request.