Administration Guide

Table of Contents

  • About This Book
    Who Should Use This book
    How This Book is Structured

    Part 1. The World of DB2 Universal Database

  • Chapter 1. Administering DB2 Universal Database

    Part 2. Database Concepts

  • Chapter 2. Basic Relational Database Concepts
    Overview of Database Objects
    System Catalog Tables
    Overview of Recovery Objects
    Recovery Log Files
    Recovery History File
    Overview of Storage Objects
    Table Spaces
    Buffer Pool
    Overview of System Objects
    Configuration Parameters
    Business Rules for Data
    Recovering a Database
    Overview of Recovery
    Factors Affecting Recovery
    Disaster Recovery Considerations
    Reducing the Impact of Media Failure
    Reducing the Impact of Transaction Failure
    System Clock Synchronization in a Partitioned Database System
    Reorganizing Tables in a Database
    Overview of DB2 Security
    Federated Database Authentication and Authorization Overview

  • Chapter 3. Federated Systems
    Enabling a Federated System

  • Chapter 4. Parallel Database Systems
    Nodegroups and Data Partitioning
    Types of Parallelism
    I/O Parallelism
    Query Parallelism
    Utility Parallelism
    Hardware Environments
    Single Partition on a Single Processor
    Single Partition with Multiple Processors
    Multiple Partition Configurations
    Summary of Parallelism Best Suited to Each Hardware Environment

  • Chapter 5. About Data Warehousing
    What is Data Warehousing?
    Subject Areas
    Warehouse Sources
    Warehouse Targets
    Warehouse Agents and Agent Sites
    Steps and Processes
    Warehousing Tasks

  • Chapter 6. About Spatial Extender
    The Purpose of Spatial Extender
    Data that Represents Geographic Features
    How Data Represents Geographic Features
    The Nature of Spatial Data
    Where Spatial Data Comes From

    Part 3. Database Design

  • Chapter 7. Logical Database Design
    Decide What Data to Record in the Database
    Define Tables for Each Type of Relationship
    One-to-Many and Many-to-One Relationships
    Many-to-Many Relationships
    One-to-One Relationships
    Provide Column Definitions for All Tables
    Identify One or More Columns as the Primary Key
    Identifying Candidate Key Columns
    Defining Identity Columns
    Ensure that Equal Values Represent the Same Entity
    Consider Normalizing Your Tables
    First Normal Form
    Second Normal Form
    Third Normal Form
    Fourth Normal Form
    Planning for Constraints Enforcement
    Unique Constraints
    Referential Integrity
    Table Check Constraints
    Other Database Design Considerations

  • Chapter 8. Physical Database Design
    Database Directories
    Database Files
    Estimating Space Requirements for Tables
    System Catalog Tables
    User Table Data
    Long Field Data
    Large Object (LOB) Data
    Index Space
    Additional Space Requirements
    Log File Space
    Temporary Work Space
    Designing Nodegroups
    Nodegroup Design Considerations
    Designing and Choosing Table Spaces
    System Managed Space
    Database Managed Space Table Space
    Table Space Design Considerations
    Federated Database Design Considerations

  • Chapter 9. Designing Distributed Databases
    Using a Single Database in a Transaction
    Using Multiple Databases in a Single Transaction
    Updating a Single Database
    Updating Multiple Databases
    Other Configuration Considerations
    Host or AS/400 Applications Accessing a LAN Based DB2 Universal Database Server in a Multisite Update
    Understanding the Two-Phase Commit Process
    Recovering from Problems During Two-Phase Commit
    Resynchronizing Indoubt Transactions if AUTORESTART=OFF

  • Chapter 10. Designing for Transaction Managers
    X/Open Distributed Transaction Processing Model
    Application Program (AP)
    Transaction Manager (TM)
    Resource Managers (RM)
    Setting Up a Database as a Resource Manager
    xa_open and xa_close Strings Usage
    New xa_open String Format for DB2 Version 7
    TPM and TP_MON_NAME Values
    xa_open String Format for Earlier Versions of DB2
    Updating Host or AS/400 Database Servers
    Database Connection Considerations
    Making a Heuristic Decision
    Security Considerations
    Configuration Considerations
    XA Function Supported
    XA Interface Problem Determination
    Configuring XA Transaction Managers to Use DB2 UDB
    Configuring IBM TXSeries CICS
    Configuring IBM TXSeries Encina
    Configuring BEA Tuxedo
    Configuring Microsoft Transaction Server

  • Chapter 11. Designing for High Availability
    Hot Standby
    Mutual Takeover
    Reconnecting after a Failover

    Part 4. Administering Using the Control Center

  • Chapter 12. Administering DB2 Using GUI Tools
    Administration Tools
    Common Tool Features
    Show SQL and Show Command
    Show Related
    Generate DDL
    The Control Center
    Main Elements of the Control Center
    Using a Customized Control Center in DB2 for OS/390
    Systems That Can Be Administered
    Objects that can be Administered
    Displaying Systems in the Control Center
    Managing DB2 for OS/390 Objects
    Adding DB2 for OS/390 Subsystems
    Managing Gateway Connections
    Functions You Can Perform from the Control Center
    Creating New Objects
    Working with Existing Objects
    Locating objects (DB2 for OS/390 only)
    The Satellite Administration Center
    The Command Center
    The Script Center
    Using an Existing Script with the Script Center
    Scheduling a Saved Command Script to Run
    The Journal
    Working with Jobs
    The License Center
    The Alert Center
    Client Configuration Assistant
    Performance Monitor
    Event Monitor
    Using the Monitor Tools
    Monitoring Performance at a Point in Time
    Predefined Monitors
    Action Required When an Object Appears in the Alert Center
    Analyzing an Event for a Period of Time
    Event Analyzer
    Analyzing SQL Statements
    Improving Performance of a Query
    Analyzing a Simple Dynamic SQL Statement
    Managing Remote Databases
    Managing Users
    Granting and Revoking Authorities and Privileges
    Moving Data
    Managing Storage
    Estimating Table and Index Size
    Checking Space Available in a Table Space
    Adding More Space to a Table Space
    Replicating Data
    Using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    Using a Java Control Center
    Running the Control Center as a Java Applet
    Using Your Java-based Tools for Administration

    Part 5. Implementing Your Design

  • Chapter 13. Before Creating a Database
    Prerequisites Before Creating a Database
    Starting DB2
    Starting DB2 UDB on Windows NT
    Using Multiple Instances of the Database Manager
    Organizing and Grouping Objects by Schema
    Enabling Parallelism
    Enabling Data Partitioning
    Stopping DB2
    Details on Creating a Database
    Designing Logical and Physical Database Characteristics
    Creating an Instance
    License Management
    Establish Environment Variables and the Profile Registry
    DB2 Administration Server (DAS)
    Create a Node Configuration File
    Creation of the Database Configuration File
    Replicating Configuration Information Using Response Files
    Enable FCM Communications

  • Chapter 14. Creating a Database
    Definition of Initial Nodegroups
    Definition of Initial Table Spaces
    Definition of System Catalog Tables
    Definition of Database Directories
    Local Database Directory
    System Database Directory
    Node Directory
    DCE Directory Services
    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Directory Services
    Creating Nodegroups
    Definition of Database Recovery Log
    Binding Utilities to the Database
    Cataloging a Database
    Creating a Table Space
    Creating a System Temporary Table Space
    Creating a User Temporary Table Space
    Creating Table Spaces in Nodegroups
    Raw I/O
    Creating a Schema
    Setting a Schema
    Creating and Populating a Table
    Large Object (LOB) Column Considerations
    Defining Constraints
    Defining a Generated Column on a New Table
    Creating a User-defined Temporary Table
    Defining an Identity Column on a New Table
    Creating a Typed Table
    Populating a Typed Table
    Hierarchy Table
    Creating a Table in Multiple Table Spaces
    Creating a Table in a Partitioned Database
    Creating a Trigger
    Trigger Dependencies
    Creating a User-Defined Function (UDF) or Method
    Creating a Function Mapping
    Creating a Function Template
    Creating a User-Defined Type (UDT)
    Creating a User-Defined Distinct Type
    Creating a User-Defined Structured Type
    Creating a Type Mapping
    Creating a View
    Creating a Typed View
    Creating a Summary Table
    Creating an Alias
    Creating a Wrapper
    Creating a Server
    Using Server Options to Help Define Data Sources and Facilitate Authentication Processing
    Creating a Nickname
    Referencing Nickname and Data Source Objects
    Working with Nickname and Data Source Objects
    Identifying Existing Nicknames and Data Sources
    Creating an Index, Index Extension, or an Index Specification
    Using an Index
    Using the CREATE INDEX Statement
    Creating a User-Defined Extended Index Type
    Details on Index Maintenance
    Details on Index Searching
    Details on Index Exploitation
    A Scenario for Defining an Index Extension

  • Chapter 15. Altering a Database
    Before Altering a Database
    Changing Logical and Physical Design Characteristics
    Changing the License Information
    Changing Instances
    Changing Environment Variables and the Profile Registry Variables
    Changing the Node Configuration File
    Changing the Database Configuration
    Altering a Database
    Dropping a Database
    Altering a Nodegroup
    Altering a Table Space
    Dropping a Schema
    Modifying a Table in Both Structure and Content
    Altering a User-Defined Structured Type
    Deleting and Updating Rows of a Typed Table
    Renaming an Existing Table
    Dropping a Table
    Dropping a User-Defined Temporary Table
    Dropping a Trigger
    Dropping a User-Defined Function (UDF), Type Mapping, or Method
    Dropping a User-Defined Type (UDT) or Type Mapping
    Altering or Dropping a View
    Dropping a Summary Table
    Dropping a Wrapper
    Altering or Dropping a Server
    Altering or Dropping a Nickname
    Dropping an Index, Index Extension, or an Index Specification
    Statement Dependencies When Changing Objects

    Part 6. Database Security

  • Chapter 16. Controlling Database Access
    Selecting User IDs and Groups for Your Installation
    Windows NT Platform Considerations
    UNIX Platform Considerations
    General Rules
    Selecting an Authentication Method for Your Server
    Authentication Considerations for Remote Clients
    Partitioned Database Considerations
    Using DCE Security Services to Authenticate Users
    How to Setup a DB2 User for DCE
    How to Setup a DB2 Server to Use DCE
    How to Setup a DB2 Client Instance to Use DCE
    DB2 Restrictions Using DCE Security
    Federated Database Authentication Processing
    Authentication Settings
    Passing IDs and Passwords to Data Sources
    Federated Database Authentication Example
    Privileges, Authorities, and Authorization
    System Administration Authority (SYSADM)
    System Control Authority (SYSCTRL)
    System Maintenance Authority (SYSMAINT)
    Database Administration Authority (DBADM)
    LOAD Authority
    Database Privileges
    Schema Privileges
    Table Space Privileges
    Table and View Privileges
    Nickname Privileges
    Server Privileges
    Package Privileges
    Index Privileges
    Controlling Access to Database Objects
    Granting Privileges
    Revoking Privileges
    Managing Implicit Authorizations by Creating and Dropping Objects
    Establishing Ownership of a Plan or a Package
    Allowing Indirect Privileges through a Package
    Allowing Indirect Privileges through a Package Containing Nicknames
    Controlling Access to Data with Views
    Monitoring Access to Data Using the Audit Facility
    Tasks and Required Authorizations
    Using the System Catalog
    Retrieving Authorization Names with Granted Privileges
    Retrieving All Names with DBADM Authority
    Retrieving Names Authorized to Access a Table
    Retrieving All Privileges Granted to Users
    Securing the System Catalog Views

  • Chapter 17. Auditing DB2 Activities
    Audit Facility Behavior
    Audit Facility Usage Scenarios
    Audit Facility Messages
    Audit Facility Record Layouts
    Audit Facility Tips and Techniques
    Controlling DB2 Audit Facility Activities

    Part 7. Moving Data

  • Chapter 18. Utilities for Moving Data

    Part 8. Recovery

  • Chapter 19. Recovering a Database
    Crash Recovery
    Getting to a Consistent Database
    Transaction Failure Recovery in a Partitioned Database Environment
    Identifying the Failed Database Partition Server
    Recovery Method: Version Recovery
    Backing Up a Database
    Restoring a Database
    Recovery Method: Roll-Forward Recovery
    Backup Considerations
    Restore Considerations
    Rolling Forward Changes in a Database
    Recovery History File Information
    Garbage Collection
    DB2 Data Links Manager Considerations
    Crash Recovery Considerations
    Backup Utility Considerations
    Restore and Rollforward Utility Considerations
    Restoring Databases from an offline Backup without Rolling Forward
    Restoring Databases and Table Spaces and Rolling Forward to the End of the Logs
    Restoring Databases and Table Spaces and Rolling Forward to a Point in Time
    DB2 Data Links Manager and Recovery Interactions
    Removing a Table from the Datalink_Reconcile_Not_Possible State
    Reconciling Data Links
    Tivoli Storage Manager
    Setting up an Tivoli Storage Manager Client for UNIX-Based Platforms
    Setting up an Tivoli Storage Manager Client for Other Platforms
    Considerations for Using Tivoli Storage Manager
    Recovering Indoubt Transactions on the Host
    Recovery when DB2 Connect Has the DB2 Syncpoint Manager Configured
    Recovery when DB2 Connect Does Not Use the DB2 Syncpoint Manager

    Part 9. Introduction to Performance

  • Chapter 20. Elements of Performance
    Tuning Guidelines
    Disk Storage
    Performance Improvement Process
    How Much Can a System be Tuned?
    A Less Formal Approach
    Putting It All Together

  • Chapter 21. Architecture and Processes Overview
    Storage Architecture
    Database Directory
    Table Spaces
    Data Management
    Record Identifiers and Pages
    Space Management
    Index Management
    What Happens When Updating
    Process Model
    Memory Model

    Part 10. Tuning Application Performance

  • Chapter 22. Application Considerations
    Repeatable Read
    Read Stability
    Cursor Stability
    Uncommitted Read
    Choosing the Isolation Level
    Specifying the Isolation Level
    Declared Temporary Tables and Concurrency
    Attributes of Locks
    Locks and Application Performance
    Factors Affecting Locking
    Declared Temporary Tables and Locking
    LOCK TABLE Statement
    Summary of Locking Considerations
    Adjusting the Optimization Class
    How Do You Set the Optimization Class?
    How Much Optimization is Necessary?
    Restrictions on Result Sets to Improve Performance
    FOR UPDATE Clause
    Row Blocking
    Tuning Queries
    Using a SELECT-Statement
    Guidelines When Using a SELECT-Statement
    Compound SQL
    Performance Considerations and Character Conversion
    Code Page Conversion
    Extended UNIX Code (EUC) Code Page Support
    Stored Procedures
    Activating a Database
    Parallel Processing of Applications

  • Chapter 23. Environmental Considerations
    Configuration Parameters Affecting Query Optimization
    Nodegroup Impact on Query Optimization
    Table Space Impact on Query Optimization
    Indexing Impact on Query Optimization
    Indexing versus No Indexing
    Using the Index Advisor
    Guidelines for Indexing
    Performance Tips for Administering Indexes
    Server Options Affecting Federated Database Queries

  • Chapter 24. System Catalog Statistics
    Collecting Statistics Using the RUNSTATS Utility
    The Database Partition Where RUNSTATS is Executed
    Analyzing Statistics
    Collecting and Using Distribution Statistics
    Understanding Distribution Statistics
    When Should You Use Distribution Statistics?
    How Many Statistics Should You Keep?
    How Does the Optimizer Use Distribution Statistics?
    Collecting and Using Detailed Index Statistics
    Understanding Detailed Index Statistics
    When Should You Use Detailed Index Statistics?
    User Update-Capable Catalog Statistics
    Rules for Updating Catalog Statistics
    Rules for Updating Table and Nickname Statistics
    Rules for Updating Column Statistics
    Rules for Updating Distribution Statistics for Columns
    Rules for Updating Index Statistics
    Updating Statistics for User-Defined Functions
    Modeling Production Databases

  • Chapter 25. Understanding the SQL Compiler
    Overview of the SQL Compiler
    Rewrite Query by the SQL Compiler
    Operation Merging
    Example - View Merges
    Example - Subquery to Join Transformations
    Example - Redundant Join Elimination
    Example - Shared Aggregation
    Operation Movement
    Example - DISTINCT Elimination
    Example - General Predicate Pushdown
    Example - Decorrelation
    Predicate Translation
    Example - Addition of Implied Predicates
    Example - OR to IN Transformations
    Accounting for Column Correlation
    Data Access Concepts and Optimization
    Index Scan Concepts
    Relation Scan versus Index Scan
    Predicate Terminology
    Join Concepts
    Replicated Summary Tables
    Join Strategies in a Partitioned Database
    Influence of Sorting on the Optimizer
    Optimization Strategies for Intra-Partition Parallelism
    Parallel Scan Strategies
    Parallel Sort Strategies
    Parallel Temporary Tables
    Parallel Aggregation Strategies
    Parallel Join Strategies
    Automatic Summary Tables
    Federated Database Query Compiler Phases
    Pushdown Analysis
    Remote SQL Generation and Global Optimization

  • Chapter 26. SQL Explain Facility
    Choosing an Explain Tool
    Using the SQL Explain Facility
    Introductory Concepts for Explain
    Explain Information for Data Objects
    Explain Information for Data Operators
    How Explain Information is Organized
    Explain Instance Information
    Explain Snapshot Information
    Explain Table Information
    Obtaining Explain Data
    Capturing Explain Table Information
    Capturing Explain Snapshot Information
    Guidelines on Using Explain Output
    Visual Explain
    SQL Advise Facility

    Part 11. Tuning and Configuring Your System

  • Chapter 27. Operational Performance
    How DB2 Uses Memory
    Setting Parameters That Affect Memory Usage
    FCM Requirements
    Managing the Database Buffer Pool
    Managing Multiple Database Buffer Pools
    Choosing One or Many Buffer Pools
    Prefetching Data into the Buffer Pool
    Understanding Sequential Prefetching
    Understanding List Prefetching
    Prefetching and Intra-Partition Parallelism
    Configuring I/O Servers for Prefetching and Parallel I/O
    Enabling Parallel I/O
    Allocating Multiple Pages at a Time
    Different Types of Sorting
    Tuning the Parameters that Affect Sorting
    Looking for Indicators of Sorting Performance Problems
    Techniques for Managing Sorting Performance
    Reorganizing Catalogs and User Tables
    Online Index Reorganization
    Avoiding the Need to Reorganize Tables
    Performance Considerations for DMS Devices
    Managing Initialization Overhead
    Database Agents
    Using the Database System Monitor
    Extending Memory

  • Chapter 28. Using the Governor
    Starting and Stopping the Governor
    The Governor Daemon
    Creating the Governor Configuration File
    Governor Log Files
    Querying Governor Log Files
    Running the Governor and Database Manager Performance

  • Chapter 29. Scaling Your Configuration Through Adding Processors
    Adding Processors to a Machine
    Adding Database Partitions to a Partitioned Database System
    Adding Database Partitions to a Running System
    Adding Database Partitions to a Stopped System
    Dropping a Database Partition from a System

  • Chapter 30. Redistributing Data Across Database Partitions
    How to Partition Data
    Adding and Dropping Database Partitions
    Specifying a Target Partitioning Map
    How Data Is Redistributed Across Database Partitions
    How Data Is Redistributed in Tables
    Recovering From Redistribution Errors
    Data Redistribution and Other Operations
    Following Data Redistribution

  • Chapter 31. Benchmark Testing
    Benchmark Testing Methodology
    Preparing for Benchmark Testing
    Creating a Benchmark Program
    Executing the Benchmark Tests

  • Chapter 32. Configuring DB2
    Tuning Configuration Parameters
    Database Manager Parameters
    Database Manager Configuration Parameter Summary
    Database Parameters
    Database Configuration Parameter Summary
    Parameter Details by Function
    Capacity Management
    Database Shared Memory
    Application Shared Memory
    Agent Private Memory
    Agent/Application Communication Memory
    Database Manager Instance Memory
    I/O and Storage
    Database Application Remote Interface (DARI)
    Logging and Recovery
    Database Log Files
    Database Log Activity
    Distributed Unit of Work Recovery
    Database Management
    Query Enabler
    DB2 Data Links Manager
    Compiler Settings
    Communication Protocol Setup
    Distributed Services
    DB2 Discovery
    Parallel Processing
    Instance Management
    Database System Monitor Parameters
    System Management
    Instance Administration

    Part 12. High Availability

  • Chapter 33. High Availability Cluster Multi-processing, Enhanced Scalability (HACMP ES) for AIX
    Cluster Configuration
    Configuring a DB2 Database Partition
    Example of a Hot Standby Configuration
    Example of a Mutual Takeover Configuration
    Configuration of an NFS Server Node
    Example of an NFS Server Takeover Configuration
    Considerations When Configuring the SP Switch
    DB2 HACMP Configuration Examples
    DB2 HACMP Startup Recommendations
    HACMP ES Event Monitoring and User-defined Events
    HACMP ES Script Files
    DB2 Recovery Script Operations with HACMP ES
    Other Script Utilities
    Monitoring HACMP Clusters
    DB2 SP HACMP ES Installation
    DB2 SP HACMP ES New Installation
    DB2 SP HACMP ES Migration
    DB2 SP HACMP ES Worksheets

  • Chapter 34. High Availability in the Windows NT Environment
    Failover Configurations
    Hot Standby Configuration
    Mutual Takeover Configuration
    Using the DB2MSCS Utility
    Specifying the DB2MSCS.CFG File
    Setting up Failover for a Single-Partition Database System
    Setting up a Mutual Takeover Configuration for Two Single-Partition Database Systems
    Setting up Multiple MSCS Clusters for a Partitioned Database System
    Maintaining the MSCS System
    Fallback Considerations
    Registering Database Drive Mapping for Mutual Takeover Configurations in a Partitioned Database Environment
    Reconciling the Database Drive Mapping
    Example - Setting up Two Single-Partition Instances for Mutual Takeover
    Preliminary Tasks
    Run the DB2MSCS Utility
    Example - Setting up a Four-Node Partitioned Database System for Mutual Takeover
    Preliminary Tasks
    Run the DB2MSCS Utility
    Register the Database Drive Mapping for ClusterA
    Register the Database Drive Mapping for ClusterB
    Administering DB2 in an MSCS Environment
    Starting and Stopping DB2 Resources
    Running Scripts
    Database Considerations
    User and Group Support
    Communications Considerations
    System Time Considerations
    Administration Server and Control Center Considerations in a Partitioned Database Environment
    Limitations and Restrictions

  • Chapter 35. DB2 and High Availability on Sun Cluster 2.2
    High Availability
    Fault Tolerance and Continuous Availability
    Sun Cluster 2.2
    Supported Systems
    Logical Hosts
    Logical Network Interfaces
    Disk Groups and File Systems
    Control Methods
    Disk and File System Configuration
    The cconsole and ctelnet Utilities
    Campus Clustering and Continental Clustering
    Common Problems
    DB2 Considerations
    Applications Connecting to an HA Instance
    Disk Layout for EE and EEE Instances
    Home Directory Layout for EE and EEE Instances
    Logical Hosts and DB2 UDB EEE
    DB2 Installation Location and Options
    Database and Database Manager Configuration Parameters
    Crash Recovery
    High Availability through Data Replication
    The DB2 High Availability Agent
    Registering the hadb2 Service
    The hadb2tab File
    Control Methods
    User Scripts
    Other Considerations
    Fault Monitor
    EEE Considerations
    The HA.config File
    How Control Methods Run DB2 Commands
    Common Installation Steps
    Setup on DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition
    Setup on DB2 UDB Enterprise - Extended Edition
    The hadb2_setup Command
    Failover Time

    Part 13. Appendixes

  • Appendix A. Naming Rules
    Database Names
    Database and Database Alias Names
    User IDs and Passwords
    Schema Names
    Group and User Names
    Object Names
    Federated Database Object Names
    How Case-Sensitive Values Are Preserved in a Federated System

  • Appendix B. Planning Database Migration
    Migration Considerations
    Migration Restrictions
    Security and Authorization
    Storage Requirements
    Release-to-Release Incompatibilities
    Migrating a Database

  • Appendix C. Incompatibilities Between Releases
    DB2 Universal Database Planned Incompatibilities
    Read-only Views in a Future Version of DB2 Universal Database
    PK_COLNAMES and FK_COLNAMES in a Future Version of DB2 Universal Database
    COLNAMES No Longer Available in a Future Version of DB2 Universal Database
    DB2 Universal Database Version 7 Incompatibilities
    Application Programming
    Utilities and Tools
    Connectivity and Coexistence
    DB2 Universal Database Version 6 Incompatibilities
    System Catalog Views
    Application Programming
    Database Security and Tuning
    Utilities and Tools
    Connectivity and Coexistence
    Configuration Parameters

  • Appendix D. DB2 Registry and Environment Variables

  • Appendix E. Using Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Directory Services
    Creating Directory Objects
    Database Objects
    Database Locator Objects
    Routing Information Objects
    Attributes of Each Object Class
    Details About Each Attribute
    Directory Services Security
    Configuration Parameters and Registry Variables
    CATALOG and ATTACH Commands, and the CONNECT Statement
    CONNECT Statement
    ATTACH Command
    How a Client Connects to a Database
    Connecting to Databases in the Same Cell
    Connecting to a Database in a Different Cell
    How Directories are Searched
    ATTACH Command
    CONNECT Statement
    Temporarily Overriding DCE Directory Information
    Directory Services Tasks
    DCE Administrator Tasks
    Database Administrator Tasks
    Database User Tasks
    Directory Services Restrictions

  • Appendix F. User Exit for Database Recovery
    Overview for OS/2
    Overview for UNIX-Based Operating Systems
    Invoking a User Exit Program
    Sample User Exit Programs
    Sample User Exit Programs for OS/2
    Sample User Exit Programs for UNIX-Based Operating Systems
    Calling Format
    Calling Format for OS/2
    Calling Format for UNIX-Based or Windows NT Operating Systems
    Archive and Retrieve Considerations
    Backup and Restore Considerations (DB2 for OS/2 only)
    Error Handling

  • Appendix G. Explain Tables and Definitions
    Table Definitions for Explain Tables
    EXPLAIN_ARGUMENT Table Definition
    EXPLAIN_INSTANCE Table Definition
    EXPLAIN_OBJECT Table Definition
    EXPLAIN_OPERATOR Table Definition
    EXPLAIN_PREDICATE Table Definition
    EXPLAIN_STATEMENT Table Definition
    EXPLAIN_STREAM Table Definition
    ADVISE_INDEX Table Definition
    ADVISE_WORKLOAD Table Definition

  • Appendix H. SQL Explain Tools
    Running db2expln and dynexpln
    db2expln Syntax and Parameters
    Usage Notes for db2expln
    dynexpln Syntax and Parameters
    Usage Notes for dynexpln
    Description of db2expln and dynexpln Output
    Table Access
    Temporary Tables
    Data Streams
    Insert, Update, and Delete
    Row Identifier (RID) Preparation
    Parallel Processing
    Federated Statement Processing
    Miscellaneous Statements
    Examples of db2expln and dynexpln Output
    Example One: No Parallelism Plan
    Example Two: Single-Partition Database Plan with Intra-Partition Parallelism
    Example Three: Multipartition Database Plan with Inter-Partition Parallelism
    Example Four: Multipartition Database Plan with Inter-Partition and Intra-Partition Parallelism
    Example Five: Federated Database Plan

  • Appendix I. db2exfmt - Explain Table Format Tool

  • Appendix J. National Language Support (NLS)
    Country Code and Code Page Support
    Deriving Code Page Values
    Character Sets
    Character Set for Identifiers
    Coding SQL Statements
    Bidirectional CCSID Support
    Collating Sequences
    Datetime Values
    Unicode/UCS-2 and UTF-8 Support in DB2 UDB
    UCS-2/UTF-8 Implementation in DB2 UDB

  • Appendix K. Issuing Commands to Multiple Database Partition Servers
    Command Descriptions
    Specifying the Command to Run
    Running Commands in Parallel on UNIX-Based Platforms
    Monitoring rah Processes on UNIX-Based Platforms
    Additional Rah (Run All Hosts) Information (Solaris and AIX only)
    Prefix Sequences
    Specifying the List of Machines
    Eliminating Duplicate Entries from the List of Machines
    Controlling the rah Command
    $RAHDOTFILES on UNIX-Based Platforms
    Setting the Default Environment Profile on Windows NT
    Determining Problems with rah on UNIX-Based Platforms

  • Appendix L. How DB2 for Windows NT Works with Windows NT Security
    A Sample Scenario with Server Authentication:
    A Sample Scenario with Client Authentication and a Windows NT Client Machine:
    A Sample Scenario with Client Authentication and a Windows 95 Client Machine:
    Using a Backup Domain Controller with DB2
    User Authentication with DB2 for Windows NT
    User Name and Group Name Restrictions
    DB2 for Windows NT Security Service
    Installing DB2 on a Backup Domain Controller
    Authentication With Groups and Domain Security

  • Appendix M. Using the Windows NT Performance Monitor
    Registering DB2 with the Windows NT Performance Monitor
    Enable Remote Access to DB2 Performance Information
    Displaying DB2 and DB2 Connect Performance Values
    Accessing Remote DB2 Performance Information
    Resetting DB2 Performance Values

  • Appendix N. Working with Windows NT or Windows 2000 Database Partition Servers
    Listing Database Partition Servers in an Instance
    Adding a Database Partition Server to an Instance
    Changing the Database Partition Server Configuration
    Dropping a Database Partition Server from an Instance

  • Appendix O. Configuring Multiple Logical Nodes

  • Appendix P. High Speed Inter-node Communications
    High Speed Interconnection Using TCP/IP
    Prerequisites for Using an IBM Netfinity SP Switch
    High Speed Interconnection Using VI
    Virtual Interface (VI) Hardware Setup
    Enabling DB2 to Run Using VI

  • Appendix Q. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Directory Services
    Supporting LDAP Client and Server Configurations
    Support for Windows 2000 Active Directory
    Configuring DB2 to Use Active Directory
    Configuring DB2 in the IBM LDAP Environment
    Creating an LDAP User
    Configuring the LDAP User for DB2 Applications
    Registration of DB2 Servers After Installation
    Update the Protocol Information for the DB2 Server
    Catalog a Node Alias for ATTACH
    Deregistering the DB2 Server
    Registration of Databases
    Attaching to a Remote Server
    Deregistering the Database
    Refreshing LDAP Entries in Local Database and Node Directories
    Configure Host Database
    Setting DB2 Registry Variables at the User Level
    Enable LDAP Support After Installation is Complete
    Disable LDAP Support
    LDAP Support and DB2 Connect
    Security Considerations
    Security Considerations for Windows 2000 Active Directory
    Extending the Directory Schema with DB2 Object Classes and Attributes
    Extending the Directory Schema for IBM eNetwork Directory Version 2.1
    Extending the Directory Schema for Windows 2000 Active Directory
    DB2 Objects in the Windows 2000 Active Directory
    Object Classes and Attributes Used by DB2

  • Appendix R. Extending the Control Center
    Performance Considerations
    Packaging Considerations
    Interface Descriptions
    Usage Scenario

  • Appendix S. Using the DB2 Library
    DB2 PDF Files and Printed Books
    DB2 Information
    Printing the PDF Books
    Ordering the Printed Books
    DB2 Online Documentation
    Accessing Online Help
    Viewing Information Online
    Using DB2 Wizards
    Setting Up a Document Server
    Searching Information Online

  • Appendix T. Notices

  • Index

  • Contacting IBM
    Product Information