Administration Guide

Starting and Stopping the Governor

You use the db2gov governor front-end utility to start or stop the governor (on either all database partitions or on a single database partition). You require SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority to use the utility.

The syntax for db2gov is as follows:

Figure 94. Syntax for db2gov

      |                  '-nodenum--node-num--'                          |

The parameters are as follows:

 start  database
Starts the governor daemon to monitor the specified database. For database, you can specify either the database name or the database alias.

The database name you specify must be the same name as that specified in the governor configuration file. The governor checks these two names to ensure that you are using the correct configuration file. If the front-end utility is started with one alias name and the governor configuration file contains a different alias, an error is reported because the governor cannot determine whether the names are aliases for the same database.

If you are in a partitioned database environment, when you start the governor on all partitions, the front-end utility first checks that the configuration file does not contain errors. It then reads the node configuration file and sends a command to each database partition to start the governor front-end utility on each database partition with the start option (which, in turn, starts the daemon at each database partition).
Note:Because the governor monitors at the database level, one daemon runs for each database that is being monitored. (In a partitioned database environment, one daemon runs for each database partition.) If the governor is running for more than one database, there will be more than one daemon running at that database server.

 nodenum  node-num
Specifies the database partition on which to start the governor daemon. The number is the same as that specified in the node configuration file.

When you start the governor on a single database partition, the front-end utility creates a daemon to validate the governor configuration file. The governor daemon ensures that another daemon is not already running on that partition.

Specifies the configuration file to use when monitoring the database.

The default location for the configuration file is the sqllib directory. If the specified file is not there, the front-end assumes that the specified name is the full name of the file.

Specifies the base name of the file to which the governor writes log records. The log file is stored in the log subdirectory of the sqllib directory. (On Windows NT, the log subdirectory is under the instance directory.) The number of the database partition on which the governor is running is automatically appended to the log file name (for example, mylog.0, mylog.1, mylog.2).

 stop  database
Stops the governor daemon that is monitoring the specified database.

If you are in a partitioned database environment, the front-end utility stops the governor on all database partitions by reading the node configuration file, and then sending a command to each database partition to call the governor front-end utility with the stop parameter. This stops the daemon at each database partition.

 nodenum  node-num
Specifies the database partition on which to stop the governor daemon. The number is the same as that specified in the node configuration file.

When the front-end utility stops the governor daemon on a single database partition, it communicates with the daemon on that database partition by creating, moving, or deleting files in the tmp subdirectory of the sqllib directory. You should not attempt to delete or modify these files.

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