Administration Guide

Creating a Wrapper

In a federated database, the CREATE WRAPPER statement registers a wrapper. The statement defines the mechanism by which a federated server can interact with a certain category of data source.

Specific libraries must be used for specific data source types, versions, communication protocols, and operating systems. For example, AS/400 and DB2 for OS/390 data sources are accessed using the libdrda.dll library for federated databases operating on Windows NT operating systems using APPC communications.

You must have SYSADM or DBADM authority at the federated database to use the CREATE WRAPPER statement.

Creating a wrapper from the Control Center or from the command line processor registers it to the federated database.

To create a wrapper using the Control Center:
  1. Expand the object tree until you see the Federated Database Objects folder.
  2. Right-click the Federated Database Objects folder, and select Create wrapper from the pop-up menu.
  3. Complete the information, and click Ok.

To create a wrapper using the command line, enter:

   CREATE WRAPPER <wrapper_name> LIBRARY '<library_name>'

The following SQL statement registers the wrapper ORACLE8 on a Windows NT operating system:


For details on using the CREATE WRAPPER statement, refer to the SQL Reference.

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