Administration Guide

Database Management

A number of parameters are available which provide information about your database or influence the management of your database. These are grouped as follows:

Query Enabler

The following parameters provide information for the control of Query Enabler:

Dynamic SQL Query Management (dyn_query_mgmt)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]

This parameter is relevant where DB2 Query Patroller is installed. If the database configuration parameter dyn_query_mgmt is set to "ENABLE" and the cost of the dynamic query exceeds the trap_threshold for the user or group (as specified in the DB2 Query Patroller user profile table), then this query will be caught by DB2 Query Patroller. The trap_threshold is a cost-based trigger for query catching established in DB2 Query Patroller by the user. When a dynamic query is caught, a dialog will be presented for the user to specify runtime parameters.

If dyn_query_mgmt is set to "DISABLE", then no queries will be caught.


The following parameters provide general information about the database:

With the exception of copyprotect, these parameters are provided for informational purposes only.

Configuration File Release Level (release)

Configuration Type
Database manager, Database

Applies to

Parameter Type

Related Parameters
Database Release Level (database_level)

This parameter specifies the release level of the configuration file.

Database Release Level (database_level)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Related Parameters
Configuration File Release Level (release)

This parameter indicates the release level of the database manager which can use the database. In the case of an incomplete or failed migration, this parameter will reflect the release level of the unmigrated database and may differ from the release parameter (the release level of the database configuration file). Otherwise the value of database_level will be identical to value of the release parameter.

Territory for the Database (territory)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Related Parameters
Country code for the Database (country)

This parameter shows the territory used to create the database. Territory is used by the database manager to determine country parameter values. For more information about how the database manager uses the territory, see the Quick Beginnings .

Country code for the Database (country)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Related Parameters
Territory for the Database (territory)

This parameter shows the country code used to create the database. The country parameter is derived based on the territory parameter. For more information, see the Quick Beginnings .

Codeset for the Database (codeset)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Related Parameters
Code Page for the Database (codepage)

This parameter shows the codeset that was used to create the database. Codeset is used by the database manager to determine codepage parameter values. For more information about how the database manager uses the codeset, see the Quick Beginnings .

Code Page for the Database (codepage)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Related Parameters
Codeset for the Database (codeset)

This parameter shows the code page that was used to create the database. The codepage parameter is derived based on the codeset parameter. For more information, see the Quick Beginnings .

Collating Information (collate_info)

This parameter can only be displayed using the GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION API. It cannot be displayed through the command line processor or the Control Center.

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

This parameter provides 260 bytes of database collating information. The first 256 bytes specify the database collating sequence, where byte "n" contains the sort weight of the code point whose underlying decimal representation is "n" in the code page of the database.

The last 4 bytes contain internal information about the type of the collating sequence. You can treat it as an integer applicable to the platform of the database. There are three values:

If you use this internal type information, you need to consider byte reversal when retrieving information for a database on a different platform.

You can specify the collating sequence at database creation time.

Copy Protection Enable (copyprotect)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
No [ Yes; No ]

This parameter enables the copy-protect attribute and is disabled by default. Prior to Version 2 of the database manager, the default was to enable the copy-protect attribute.

This parameter does not apply to UNIX-based environments.

The backup database and restore database utilities are not affected by the copyprotect parameter. It is possible to back up a copy-protected database, restore it to a different workstation, and then catalog and access the database.

Attention: Remove copy-protection from all databases before reinstalling either the database manager or the operating system. If you do not remove copy-protection, you will receive an error when you attempt to access the database. After you have reinstalled, you can enable copy-protection.

DB2 Data Links Manager

The following parameters relate to DB2 Data Links Manager:

Data Links Access Token Expiry Interval (dl_expint)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
60 [ -1, 1 -- 31 536 000 ]

Unit of Measure

This parameter specifies the interval of time (in seconds) for which the generated file access control token is valid. The number of seconds the token is valid begins from the time it is generated. The Data Links Filesystem Filter checks the validity of the token against this expiry time.

For information about file access control tokens, refer to the DB2 Data Links Manager Quick Beginnings book.

The default value for this parameter is sixty (60) seconds. Minus one (-1) implies that the token will effectively not expire.

This parameter applies to the DATALINK columns that specify "READ PERMISSION DB".

Data Links Number of Copies (dl_num_copies)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
0 [ 0 - 15 ]

This parameter specifies the number of additional copies of a file to be made in the archive server (such as an ADSM server) when a file is linked to the database.

The default value for this parameter is zero (0).

This parameter applies to the DATALINK columns that specify "Recovery=Yes".

Data Links Time After Drop (dl_time_drop)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
1 [ 0 -- 365 ]

Unit of Measure

This parameter specifies the interval of time (in days) files would be retained on an archive server (such as an TSM server) after a DROP DATABASE is issued.

The default value for this parameter is one (1) day. A value of zero (0) means that the files are deleted immediately from the archive server when the DROP command or statement is issued. (The actual file is not deleted unless the ON UNLINK DELETE parameter was specified for the DATALINK column.)

This parameter applies to the DATALINK columns that specify "Recovery=Yes".

Data Links Token Algorithm (dl_token)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
MAC0 [ MAC0; MAC1 ]

This parameter specifies the algorithm used in the generation of DATALINK file access control tokens. The value of MAC1 (message authentication code) generates a more secure message authentication code than MAC0, but also has more performance overhead.

For information about file access control tokens, refer to the DB2 Data Links Manager Quick Beginnings book.

This parameter applies to the DATALINK columns that specify "READ PERMISSION DB".

Data Links Token in Upper Case (dl_upper)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
NO [ YES; NO ]

The parameter indicates whether the file access control tokens use upper case letters. A value of "YES" specifies that all letters in an access control token are upper case. A value of "NO" specifies that the token can contain both upper case and lower case letters.

For information about file access control tokens, refer to the DB2 Data Links Manager Quick Beginnings book.

This parameter applies to the DATALINK columns that specify "READ PERMISSION DB".

Enable Data Links Support (datalinks)

Configuration Type
Database manager

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
NO [ YES; NO ]

This parameter specifies whether Data Links support is enabled. A value of "YES" specifies that Data Links support is enabled for Data Links Manager linking files stored in native filesystems (for example, JFS on AIX). A value of "NO" specifies that Data Links support is not enabled.


The following parameters provide information about the state of the database:

Backup Pending Indicator (backup_pending)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

If set on, this parameter indicates that you must do a full backup of the database before accessing it. This parameter is only on if the database configuration is changed so that the database moves from being nonrecoverable to recoverable (that is, initially both the logretain and userexit parameters were set to NO, then either one or both of these parameters is set to YES, and the update to the database configuration is accepted).

Database is Consistent (database_consistent)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

This parameter indicates whether the database is in a consistent state.

YES indicates that all transactions have been committed or rolled back so that the data is consistent. If the system "crashes" while the database is consistent, you do not need to take any special action to make the database usable.

NO indicates that a transaction is pending or some other task is pending on the database and the data is not consistent at this point. If the system "crashes" while the database is not consistent, you will need to restart the database using the RESTART DATABASE command to make the database usable. For more information about the RESTART DATABASE command, see the Command Reference.

Roll Forward Pending Indicator (rollfwd_pending)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

This parameter can indicate one of the following states:

The recovery (using ROLLFORWARD DATABASE) must complete before you can access the database or table space. For more information about ROLLFORWARD DATABASE, see the Command Reference.

Log Retain Status Indicator (log_retain_status)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Related Parameters
Log Retain Enable (logretain)

If set, this parameter indicates that log files are being retained for use in roll-forward recovery.

This parameter is set when the logretain parameter setting becomes active.

User Exit Status Indicator (user_exit_status)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Related Parameters
User Exit Enable (userexit)

If set ON, this indicates that the database manager is enabled for roll-forward recovery and that the user exit program will be used to archive and retrieve log files when called by the database manager.

Restore Pending (restore_pending)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

This parameter states whether a RESTORE PENDING status exists in the database.

MultiPage File Allocation Enabled (multipage_alloc)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Multipage file allocation is used to improve insert performance. It applies to SMS table spaces only. If enabled, all SMS table spaces are affected: there is no selection possible for individual SMS table spaces.

The default for the parameter is NO: multipage file allocation is not enabled.

Following database creation, the parameter may be set to YES which indicates that multipage file allocation is enabled. This is done using the db2empfa tool. Once set to YES, the parameter cannot be changed back to NO.

Compiler Settings

The following parameters provide information to influence the compiler:

Continue upon Arithmetic Exceptions (dft_sqlmathwarn)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
No [No, Yes]

This parameter sets the default value that determines the handling of arithmetic errors and retrieval conversion errors as errors or warnings during SQL statement compilation. For static SQL statements, the value of this parameter is associated with the package at bind time. For dynamic SQL DML statements, the value of this parameter is used when the statement is prepared.

Attention: If you change the dft_sqlmathwarn value for a database, the behavior of check constraints, triggers, and views that include arithmetic expressions may change. This may in turn have an impact on the data integrity of the database. You should only change the setting of dft_sqlmathwarn for a database after carefully evaluating how the new arithmetic exception handling behavior may impact check constraints, triggers, and views. Once changed, subsequent changes require the same careful evaluation.

As an example, consider the following check constraint, which includes a division arithmetic operation:

A/B > 0

When dft_sqlmathwarn is "No" and an INSERT with B=0 is attempted, the division by zero is processed as an arithmetic error. The insert operation fails because DB2 cannot check the constraint. If dft_sqlmathwarn is changed to "Yes", the division by zero is processed as an arithmetic warning with a NULL result. The NULL result causes the ">" predicate to evaluate to UNKNOWN and the insert operation succeeds. If dft_sqlmathwarn is changed back to "No", an attempt to insert the same row will fail, because the division by zero error prevents DB2 from evaluating the constraint. The row inserted with B=0 when dft_sqlmathwarn was "Yes" remains in the table and can be selected. Updates to the row that cause the constraint to be evaluated will fail, while updates to the row that do not require constraint re-evaluation will succeed.

Before changing dft_sqlmathwarn from "No" to "Yes", you should consider rewriting the constraint to explicitly handle nulls from arithmetic expressions. For example:

  ( A/B > 0 ) AND ( CASE
                      WHEN A IS NULL THEN 1
                      WHEN B IS NULL THEN 1
                      WHEN A/B IS NULL THEN 0
                      ELSE 1
                    = 1 )

can be used if both A and B are nullable. And, if A or B is not-nullable, the corresponding IS NULL WHEN-clause can be removed.

Before changing dft_sqlmathwarn from "Yes" to "No", you should first check for data that may become inconsistent, for example by using predicates such as the following:


When inconsistent rows are isolated, you should take appropriate action to correct the inconsistency before changing dft_sqlmathwarn. You can also manually re-check constraints with arithmetic expressions after the change. To do this, first place the affected tables in a check pending state (with the OFF clause of the SET CONSTRAINTS statement), then request that the tables be checked (with the IMMEDIATE CHECKED clause of the SET CONSTRAINTS statement). Inconsistent data will be indicated by an arithmetic error, which prevents the constraint from being evaluated.

Recommendation: Use the default setting of no, unless you specifically require queries to be processed that include arithmetic exceptions. Then specify the value of yes. This situation can occur if you are processing SQL statements that, on other database managers, provide results regardless of the arithmetic exceptions that occur.

Default Degree (dft_degree)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
1 [ -1, 1 - 32 767 ]

Related Parameters
Maximum Query Degree of Parallelism (max_querydegree)

This parameter specifies the default value for the CURRENT DEGREE special register and the DEGREE bind option.

The default value is 1.

A value of 1 means no intra-partition parallelism. A value of -1 means the optimizer determines the degree of intra-partition parallelism based on the number of processors and the type of query.

The degree of intra-partition parallelism for a SQL statement is specified at statement compilation time using the CURRENT DEGREE special register or the DEGREE bind option. The maximum runtime degree of intra-partition parallelism for an active application is specified using the SET RUNTIME DEGREE command. The Maximum Query Degree of Parallelism (max_querydegree) configuration parameter specifies the maximum query degree of intra-partition parallelism for all SQL queries.

The actual runtime degree used is the lowest of:

Default Query Optimization Class (dft_queryopt)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
5 [ 0 -- 9 ]

Unit of Measurement
Query Optimization Class (see below)

The query optimization class is used to direct the optimizer to use different degrees of optimization when compiling SQL queries. This parameter provides additional flexibility by setting the default query optimization class used when neither the SET CURRENT QUERY OPTIMIZATION statement nor the QUERYOPT bind command are used.

The query optimization classes currently defined are:

0 - minimal query optimization.
1 - roughly comparable to DB2 Version 1.
2 - slight optimization.
3 - moderate query optimization.
5 - significant query optimization with heuristics to limit the effort expended on selecting an access plan. This is the default.
7 - significant query optimization.
9 - maximal query optimization

Recommendation: For more information and guidance for selecting a suitable query optimization class, see Adjusting the Optimization Class.

For more information on how a program can retrieve and modify database configuration parameters, see the Administrative API Reference.

Default Refresh Age (dft_refresh_age)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
0 [ 0, 99999999999999 (ANY)]

This parameter has the default value used for the REFRESH AGE is the CURRENT REFRESH AGE special register is not specified. This parameter specifies a time stamp duration value with a data type of DECIMAL(20,6). This time duration represents the maximum duration since a REFRESH TABLE statement has been processed on a specific REFRESH DEFERRED summary table during which that summary table can be used to optimize the processing of a query. If the CURRENT REFRESH AGE has a value of 99999999999999 (ANY), and the QUERY OPTIMIZATION class is five or more, REFRESH DEFERRED summary tables are considered to optimize the processing of a dynamic SQL query.

Number of Frequent Values Retained (num_freqvalues)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
10 [ 0 -- 32 767 ]

Unit of Measure

Related Parameters

This parameter allows you to specify the number of "most frequent values" that will be collected when the WITH DISTRIBUTION option is specified on the RUNSTATS command. Increasing the value of this parameter increases the amount of statistics heap (stat_heap_sz) used when collecting statistics.

The "most frequent value" statistics help the optimizer understand the distribution of data values within a column. A higher value results in more information being available to the SQL optimizer but requires additional catalog space. When 0 is specified, no frequent-value statistics are retained, even if you request that distribution statistics be collected.

Updating this parameter can help the optimizer obtain better selectivity estimates for some predicates (=, <, >, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL) over data that is non-uniformly distributed. More accurate selectivity calculations may result in the choice of more efficient access plans.

After changing the value of this parameter, you need to:

For more information, see Collecting and Using Distribution Statistics.

Recommendation: In order to update this parameter you should determine the degree of non-uniformity in the most important columns (in the most important tables) that typically have selection predicates. This can be done using an SQL SELECT statement that provides an ordered ranking of the number of occurrences of each value in a column. You should not consider uniformly distributed, unique, long, or LOB columns. A reasonable practical value for this parameter lies in the range of 10 to 100.

Note that the process of collecting frequent value statistics requires significant CPU and memory (stat_heap_sz) resources.

Number of Quantiles for Columns (num_quantiles)

Configuration Type

Parameter Type

Default [Range]
20 [ 0 - 32 767 ]

Unit of Measure

Related Parameters

This parameter controls the number of quantiles that will be collected when the WITH DISTRIBUTION option is specified on the RUNSTATS command. Increasing the value of this parameter increases the amount of statistics heap (stat_heap_sz) used when collecting statistics.

The "quantile" statistics help the optimizer understand the distribution of data values within a column. A higher value results in more information being available to the SQL optimizer but requires additional catalog space. When 0 or 1 is specified, no quantile statistics are retained, even if you request that distribution statistics be collected.

Updating this parameter can help obtain better selectivity estimates for range predicates over data that is non-uniformly distributed. Among other optimizer decisions, this information has a strong influence on whether an index scan or a table scan will be chosen. (It is more efficient to use a table scan to access a range of values that occur frequently and it is more efficient to use an index scan for a range of values that occur infrequently.)

After changing the value of this parameter, you need to:

For more information, see Collecting and Using Distribution Statistics.

Recommendation: This default value for this parameter guarantees a maximum estimation error of approximately 2.5% for any single-sided range predicate (>, >=, <, or <=), and a maximum error of 5% for any BETWEEN predicate. A rough rule of thumb for determining the number of quantiles is:

For example, 25 quantiles should result in a maximum estimate error of 4% for BETWEEN predicates and of 2% for ">" predicates. A reasonable practical value for this parameter lies in the range of 10 to 50.

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