Administration Guide

Managing the Database Buffer Pool

A buffer pool is an area of storage into which database pages (containing table rows or index entries) are temporarily read and changed. The purpose of the buffer pool is to improve database system performance. Data can be accessed much faster from memory than from a disk. Therefore, the fewer times the Database Manager needs to read from or write to a disk, the better the performance.

The configuration of one or more buffer pools is the single most important tuning area, since it is here that most of the data manipulation takes place for applications connected to the database (excluding large objects and long field data).

When an application accesses a row of a table for the first time, the database manager places the page containing that row in the buffer pool. The next time any application requests data, the buffer pool is checked first. If the requested data is found on pages kept in the buffer pool, the database manager does not need to go out to disk storage to retrieve the requested data. Avoiding the need to retrieve data from disk storage results in faster performance.

The storage associated with the buffer pool is allocated when a database is activated or when the first application connects to the database. Applications are the primary beneficiaries of the buffer pool; once applications are all disconnected, the storage associated with the buffer pool is de-allocated.

Pages stay in the buffer pool until the database is shut down, or until the space occupied by a page is required for another page. The space chosen in the buffer pool to bring in another page is selected using criteria such as the following:

Note:After changed pages are written out to disk, they are not removed from the buffer pool unless the space they occupy is needed for other pages. Until they are overwritten, they can be accessed again if their data is needed.

When creating a buffer pool, by default the page size is 4 KB. You can choose to have the page size set at one of 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, or 32 KB when creating the buffer pool. If buffer pools are created using one page size, only table spaces created using the identical page size can be associated with them. You cannot alter the page size of the buffer pool following its creation.

Pages in the buffer pool can have different attributes:

Pages can be written from the buffer pool to disk when the percentage of space occupied by changed pages in the buffer pool has exceeded the value specified by the chngpgs_thresh configuration parameter. You also may need to configure the database to include more than one page-cleaner agent. These agents write out changed pages to disk so that the database agents can find usable space in the buffer pool.

Page cleaner agents perform I/O that would otherwise have to be performed by the database agents. As a result, your applications can run faster, because transactions are not forced to wait while their database agents write pages to disk. (Page-cleaner agents are sometimes referred to as asynchronous page cleaners or asynchronous buffer writers because they can run in parallel with the database agents.)

To change the number of page-cleaner agents, use the num_iocleaners configuration parameter (the default is to create one page-cleaner agent). For information, see Number of Asynchronous Page Cleaners (num_iocleaners). Set the value of this parameter to between one and the number of physical disks in the database. The larger this number, the better the performance when carrying out update-intensive workloads. This is also true when there are a large number of data- or index-page-writes with respect to the number of asynchronous data- or index-page-writes.

Writing pages to disk also allows for faster recovery of the database should a system crash occur, because the Database Manager is able to rebuild more of the buffer pool from disk rather than having to use the database log files. As a result, page cleaning is requested if the size of the log that would need to be read during recovery exceeds the following maximum:

   logfilsiz * softmax


You may use the database system monitor to help you track the number of times that page cleaning is requested to minimize log read time during recovery. For more information refer to the pool_lsn_gap_clns (buffer pool log space cleaners triggered) monitor element description in the System Monitor Guide and Reference manual.

The size of the log that would need to be read during recovery is the difference between the location of the following in the log:

The following figure illustrates how the work of managing the buffer pool can be shared between page-cleaner agents and database agents, compared to the database agents performing all of the I/O.

Figure 92. Asynchronous Page Cleaner. "Dirty" pages are written out to disk.


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