Administration Guide

Audit Facility Tips and Techniques

In most cases, when working with CHECKING events, the object type field in the audit record is the object being checked to see if the required privilege or authority is held by the user ID attempting to access the object. For example, if a user attempts to ALTER a table by adding a column, then the CHECKING event audit record will indicate the access attempted was "ALTER" and the object type being checked was "TABLE" (note: not the column since it is table privileges that must be checked).

However, when the checking involves verifying if a database authority exists to allow a user ID to CREATE or BIND an object, or to delete an object, then although there is a check against the database, the object type field will specify the object being created, bound, or dropped (rather than the database itself).

When creating an index on a table, the privilege to create an index is required, therefore the CHECKING event audit record will have an access attempt type of "index" rather than "create".

When binding a package that already exists, then an OBJMAINT event audit record is created for the DROP of the package and then another OBJMAINT event audit record is created for the CREATE of the new copy of the package.

SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) may generate OBJMAINT or SECMAINT events that are logged as successful. It is possible however that following the logging of the event, a subsequent error may cause a ROLLBACK to occur. This would leave the object as not created; or the GRANT or REVOKE actions as incomplete. The use of CONTEXT events becomes important in this case. Such CONTEXT event audit records, especially the statement that ends the event, will indicate the nature of the completion of the attempted operation.

When extracting audit records in a delimited ASCII format suitable for loading into a DB2 relational table, you should be clear regarding the delimiter used within the statement text field. This can be done when extracting the delimited ASCII file and is done using:

   db2audit extract delasc delimiter <load delimiter>

The load delimiter can be a single character (such as ") or a four-byte string representing a hexadecimal value (such as "0xff"). Examples of valid commands are:

   db2audit extract delasc
   db2audit extract delasc delimiter !
   db2audit extract delasc delimiter 0xff

If you have used anything other than the default load delimiter (""") as the delimiter when extracting, you should use the MODIFIED BY option on the LOAD command. A partial example of the LOAD command with "0xff" used as the delimiter follows:

   db2 load from context.del of del modified by chardel0xff replace into ...

This will override the default load character string delimiter which is "0xff".

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