On Windows NT or Windows 2000, use the db2nchg command to do the following:
If you are planning to use multiple network adapters, you must use this command to specify the TCP/IP address for the "netname" field in the db2nodes.cfg file.
The command has the following required parameter:
db2nchg /n:node_number
The parameter /n: is the node number of the database partition server's configuration you want to change. This parameter is required.
Optional parameters include:
Specifies the instance that this database partition server participates in. If you do not specify this parameter, the default is the current instance.
Changes the logon account name and password for the DB2 service. If you do not specify this parameter, the logon account and password remain the same.
Changes the logical port for the database partition server. This parameter must be specified if you move the database partition server to a different machine. If you do not specify this parameter, the logical port number remains unchanged.
Changes the TCP/IP hostname used by FCM for internal communications. If you do not specify this parameter, the hostname is unchanged.
Moves the database partition server to another machine. The database partition server can only be moved if there are no existing databases in the instance.
Changes the network name for the database partition server.
Use this parameter if you have multiple IP addresses on a machine and you want to use a specific IP address for the database partition server. You can enter the network_name using the network name or the IP address.
For example, to change the logical port assigned to node 2, which participates in the instance TESTMPP, to use the logical port 3, enter the following command:
db2nchg /n:2 /i:TESTMPP /p:3