Administration Guide

Obtaining Explain Data

Before you can obtain explain data for an SQL statement, you must have a set of explain tables defined using the same schema as the authorization ID that invokes the explain facility. See Table Definitions for Explain Tables for information on how to create the tables.

Capturing Explain Table Information

Once these tables are defined, explain data is captured when an SQL statement is compiled and explain data has been requested:

For more information about using the EXPLAIN SQL statement or about using the CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE registers, refer to the SQL Reference manual. For more information about the BIND and PREP commands, refer to the Command Reference manual.

Capturing Explain Snapshot Information

Explain snapshot data is captured when an SQL statement is compiled and explain data has been requested:

For more information about using the EXPLAIN SQL statement and the FOR SNAPSHOT or WITH SNAPSHOT clauses, or about using the CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT registers, refer to the SQL Reference manual. For more information about the BIND and PREP commands, refer to the Command Reference manual.

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