Administration Guide

Object Names

Database objects include the following:

When naming database objects, the name you specify:

Keywords can be used. If the keyword is used in a context where it could also be interpreted as an SQL keyword, it must be specified as a delimited identifier. Refer to the SQL Reference for information on delimited identifiers.

For maximum portability, use the IBM SQL and ISO/ANSI SQL92 reserved words. For a list of these words, refer to the SQL Reference.


  1. Using delimited identifiers, it is possible to create an object that violates these naming rules; however, subsequent use could lead to error situations. To avoid potential problems with the use and operation of your database, do not violate the above rules.

    For example, if you create a column with a + or a - sign included in the name, and you subsequently use that column in an index, you will experience problems when you attempt to reorganize the table.

  2. For information about National Language Support (NLS) related to object names, see Appendix J, National Language Support (NLS).

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