Administration Guide

Indexing Impact on Query Optimization

It is important to remember that you do not decide when an index should be used; the database manager makes the decision based on the available table and index information. However, you play an important role in the process by creating the necessary indexes that can improve performance. It is also important for you to collect statistics about the indexes (using the RUNSTATS utility) after you create an index, or change the prefetch size (as mentioned above), and on an ongoing basis to keep the statistics up to date. This means you must understand the kinds of indexes that you can create and the ways to create them.

Indexing versus No Indexing

For each table referenced in a database query, if no index exists on the table, then a table scan must be performed on that table. The larger the table, the longer a table scan takes. A table scan occurs when the database manager sequentially accesses every row of a table. This can be compared to an index scan that occurs when the database manager accesses data using an index. (See Index Scan Concepts.)

An index will be selected for use if the optimizer estimates that an index scan will be faster than a table scan. Index files generally are smaller and require less time to read than an entire table, particularly as tables grow larger. In addition, the entire index may not need to be scanned. The predicates applied to the index reduce the number of rows to be read from the data pages.

Each index entry consists of a search-key value and a pointer to the row containing that value. The values can be searched in reverse direction only if the ALLOW REVERSE SCANS parameter was specified in the CREATE INDEX statement. It is therefore possible to bracket the search, given the right predicate. An index can also be used to obtain rows in an ordered sequence, eliminating the need for the database manager to sort the rows after they are read from the table. Specifying ALLOW REVERSE SCANS enables the index to be used to directly obtain rows in sequence, in forward and reverse order. Refer to the SQL Reference for additional details.

A unique index may contain include columns in addition to the search-key value and row pointer.
Note:You cannot control whether an index is used by the database manager. For example, the result of a query cannot be guaranteed to be produced in an ordered sequence simply by the existence of an index on the table being queried. The database manager may use this index during the processing of the query but is not required to. Only the existence of an ORDER BY clause can "guarantee" the order of a result set.

Indexes can reduce access time significantly; however, indexes can also have adverse effects on performance. Before creating indexes, consider the effects of multiple indexes on disk space and processing time:

Indexes should be carefully chosen to address the needs of the application program.

To determine whether an index is used in a specific package you may use the SQL Explain facility, described in Chapter 26, SQL Explain Facility.

Using the Index Advisor

The DB2 Index Advisor is a tool to assist you in choosing an optimal set of indexes for your table data. There are different ways to get to this tool:

More information on the DB2 Index Advisor can be found in SQL Advise Facility.

Guidelines for Indexing

Which indexes should be created depends on the data and its intended uses. The following guidelines can help you determine which indexes would be most useful:

Note:Indexes are not supported for declared temporary tables.

The following are typical circumstances in which creating an index can improve performance:

Performance Tips for Administering Indexes

The following can help you understand how performance can be impacted by properly using and managing indexes:

  1. Index Creation

    When creating indexes on large tables, and having an SMP machine, consider setting intra_parallel to YES (1) or SYSTEM (-1) to take advantage of parallel performance improvements.

    Multiple processors can be used to scan and sort data. The only time when it is not advantageous to have multiple processors during index creation occurs when the indexsort database configuration parameter is NO. (The default for the parameter is YES). The parameter controls whether sorting of index keys is done during index creation.

  2. Index Table Space

    Indexes may be stored in a different table space from that used to store other table data. This can allow for more efficient use of disk storage by reducing the movement of read/write heads. You can also create your index table spaces so they will be stored on faster physical devices.

    A table space may also be assigned a separate buffer pool which may protect the index pages from being pushed out of the buffer by the presence of lots of data pages.

    When indexes are not placed in separate table spaces, both data and index pages use the same extent size and prefetch quantity. If you use a different table space for indexes, you have the option of selecting different values for all the characteristics of a table space. Since indexes are typically smaller than tables and are spread over fewer containers, it is common to find smaller extent sizes such as 8 and 16. For more information see, Index Page Prefetch. Use of faster devices for a table space will be considered by the SQL optimizer, as described in Table Space Impact on Query Optimization. Refer to Administration Guide: Planning for more information about table spaces.

  3. Degree of Clustering

    If your SQL statement requires ordering (for example, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, DISTINCT) and there is an appropriate index to satisfy the ordering, there may be times that the database manager does not choose the index. This could happen when:

    It is recommended that you perform a REORG, or a sort and LOAD, after creating a clustering index. In general a table can only be clustered on one index. Your tables and indexes should be built in the sequence of the clustering index for that table. A clustering index attempts to maintain a particular order of data, improving the CLUSTERRATIO or CLUSTERFACTOR statistics collected by the RUNSTATS utility.

    You should also consider using PCTFREE when altering a table before loading or reorganizing that table. In order for clustering to be maintained, each table needs to have space available on each data page for additional inserts. When the space is available, additional inserts are able to be clustered with the existing data. As a result, you will want to consider loading your data into the table after leaving a percentage of free space on each page for the clustering of additional data. You can do this by first creating the table, then altering the table with the PCTFREE parameter. In a similar way, before reorganizing your data, you should consider altering the table with the PCTFREE parameter. Otherwise, the reorganization will eliminate all extra space if PCTFREE has not been set.

    Clustering is not currently maintained during updates. That is, if one updates a record such that its key value in the clustering index is changed, the record will not necessarily be moved to a new page to maintain the clustering order. To maintain clustering, instead of using UPDATE, use DELETE and then INSERT.

  4. RUNSTATS Utility

    After creating a new index, you should use the RUNSTATS utility to collect index statistics. These statistics allow the optimizer to determine whether using the index can improve access performance. See Collecting Statistics Using the RUNSTATS Utility for more information on this topic.

  5. Reorganizing an Index

    To get the best performance you can from your indexes, you should consider reorganizing your indexes periodically. Updates to your tables may cause index page prefetch to become less effective. To keep the effectiveness of index page prefetch you must reorganize the index.

    You can reorganize the index by either dropping and re-creating the index, or by using the REORG utility. For more information, see Reorganizing Catalogs and User Tables.

    To prevent having to re-organize often, you can specify PCTFREE when creating an index. Specifying the PCTFREE parameter during index creation results in free space being left on each index leaf page as it is created. As a result, during future activity involving the index, records can be inserted into the index with less likelihood of causing index page splits. Index page splits cause index pages to not be contiguous nor sequential. This results in decreased ability to perform index page prefetching. Choosing an appropriate PCTFREE for an index may eliminate or reduce the frequency when you have to reorganize indexes.
    Note:The PCTFREE specified when you create the index is used when the index is re-created during reorganization.

    Dropping and re-creating the index gets a new set of pages that are roughly contiguous and sequential. This improves index page prefetch when it occurs.

    Although more costly to accomplish, the REORG utility also ensures clustering of the data pages. This clustering has greater benefit for index scans accessing a significant number of data pages.

    If you work in a symmetric multi-processor (SMP) system environment, the REORG utility will use multiple processors when intra_parallel is YES or ANY.

  6. Use EXPLAIN

    Periodically, run EXPLAIN on your most frequently used queries and check that each of your indexes is used at least once. If an index is not used in any query, consider dropping that index.

    Also, use EXPLAIN to see if table scans on large tables are processed as the inner of nested loop joins. This would indicate that an index on the join predicate column is either missing or thought to be ineffective at applying the join predicate. Or, perhaps the join predicate is not present.

  7. Volatile Tables

    A volatile table is defined as a table whose contents can vary from empty to very large at run time. Generating an access plan that uses a volatile table can result in the optimizer favoring the use of a table scan rather than an index scan to access the volatile table.

    Declaring a table "volatile" using the ALTER TABLE...VOLATILE statement can allow the optimizer to use an index scan on the volatile table. Refer to Administration Guide: Planning or the SQL Reference for additional information on this topic.

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