Administration Guide

Supporting LDAP Client and Server Configurations

The following table summarizes the supported LDAP client and server configurations:

Table 98. Supported LDAP client and server configurations
  IBM SecureWay Directory V3.1 and V3.1.1 Microsoft Active Directory
IBM LDAP Client Supported Not supported
Microsoft LDAP/ADSI Client Supported Supported

IBM SecureWay Directory Version 3.1 is a LDAP Version 3 server available for Windows NT, AIX, and Solaris. SecureWay directory is shipped as part of the base operating system on AIX and AS/400, and with OS/390 Security Server.

DB2 supports IBM LDAP client on AIX, Solaris, Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98.

Microsoft Active Directory is a LDAP Version 3 server and is available as part of the Windows 2000 Server operating system.

The Microsoft LDAP Client support is included in the following Microsoft products:

  1. Outlook 98, Outlook 2000, or Outlook Express
    Note:Outlook Express is installed as part of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  2. Exchange Server
  3. Windows NT Server Service Pack 4
  4. Windows 98 Second Edition
  5. Windows 2000

The Microsoft LDAP Client support is also included in the Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) component. The latest version of ADSI can be downloaded from

When running on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 operating systems, DB2 supports using either the IBM LDAP client or the Microsoft LDAP client to access the IBM SecureWay Directory Server. If the Microsoft LDAP client is not available, DB2 attempts to use the IBM LDAP client. To explicitly select the IBM LDAP client, use the db2set command to set the DB2LDAP_CLIENT_PROVIDER registry variable to "IBM".

Support for Windows 2000 Active Directory

DB2 exploits the Active Directory as follows:

  1. The DB2 database servers are published in the Active Directory as the ibm_db2Node objects. The ibm_db2Node object class is a subclass of the ServiceConnectionPoint (SCP) object class. Each ibm_db2Node object contains protocol configuration information to allow client application to connect to the DB2 database server. When a new database is created, the database is published in the Active Directory as the ibm_db2Database object under the ibm_db2Node object.
  2. When connecting to a remote database, DB2 client queries the Active Directory, via LDAP interface, for the ibm_db2Database object. The protocol communication to connect to the database server (binding information) is obtained from the ibm_db2Node object which the ibm_db2Database object is created under.

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