Administration Guide

Chapter 14. Creating a Database

This chapter provides a brief look at each of the various objects that may be part of the implementation of your database design.

The previous chapter focused on the information you need to know before creating a database. That chapter also covered several topics and tasks you must perform before creating a database.

The final chapter in this part presents what you must consider before altering a database. In addition, the chapter explains how to alter or drop database objects.

When you create a database, each of the following tasks are done for you:

The following database privileges are automatically granted to PUBLIC: CREATETAB, BINDADD, CONNECT, IMPLICIT_SCHEMA, and SELECT privilege on the system catalog views.

To create a database using the Control Center:
  1. Expand the object tree until you find the Databases folder.
  2. Right-click the Databases folder, and select Create --> Database Using Wizard from the pop-up menu.
  3. Follow the steps to complete this task.

The following command line processor command creates a database called personl, in the default location, with the associated comment "Personnel DB for BSchiefer Co".

   create database personl
      with "Personnel DB for BSchiefer Co"

If you want to create a database in a different, possibly remote, database manager instance, see Using Multiple Instances of the Database Manager. This topic also provides an introduction to the command you need to use if you want to perform any instance-level administration against an instance other than your default instance, including remote instances.
Note:Refer to the Command Reference for information about the default database location and about specifying a different location with the CREATE DATABASE command.

The tasks carried out by you, or done for you by the database manager, when you create a database are discussed in the following sections:

For additional information related to the physical implementation of your database, see Chapter 8, Physical Database Design.

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