The following is a list of DB2 registry variables and environment variables that you may need to know about to get up and running. Each has a brief description; some may not apply to your environment.
You can view a list of all supported registry variables by using:
db2set -lr
You can change the value for a variable for the current session by using:
db2set registry_variable_name=new_value
To update environment variables, the set command must be used and then the system rebooted.
The values for the changed registry variables must be set before the
DB2START command is issued. Refer to Administration
Guide: Planning for more information on changing and using registry variables.
Table 62. General Registry Variables
Table 63. System Environment Variables
Table 64. Communications Variables
Variable Name | Operating System | Values | ||
Description | ||||
DB2CHECKCLIENTINTERVAL | AIX, server only | Default=0
Values: A numeric value greater than zero. | ||
Used to verify the status of APPC client connections. Permits early detection of client termination, rather than waiting until after the completion of the query. When set to zero, no check will be made. When set to a numerical value greater than zero, the value represents DB2 internal work units. For guidance, the following check frequency values are given: Low frequency use 300; medium frequency use 100; high frequency use 50. Checking more frequently for client status while executing a database request lengthens the time taken to complete the queries. If the DB2 workload is heavy (that is, it involves many internal requests), then setting DB2CHECKCLIENTINTERVAL to a low value has a greater impact on performance than in a situation where the workload is light and most of the time DB2 is waiting. | ||||
DB2COMM | All, server only | Default=null
Values: any combination of APPC, IPXSPX, NETBIOS, NPIPE, TCPIP | ||
Specifies the communication managers that are started when the database manager is started. If this is not set, no DB2 communications managers are started at the server. | ||||
Values: TRUE or FALSE | ||
Used to eliminate the chance of lock contention in multi-threaded applications. When this registry variable is "TRUE", the code page and country code information is saved the first time a thread accesses it. From that point, the cached information is used for any other thread that requests this information. This eliminates lock contention and results in a performance benefit in certain situations. This setting should not be used if the application changes locale settings between connections. It is likely not needed in such a situation anyway, since multi-threaded applications typically do not change their locale settings because it is not "thread-safe" to do so. | ||||
DB2NBADAPTERS | OS/2 and Windows NT | Default=0
Range: 0-15, Multiple values should be separated by commas | ||
Used to specify which local adapters to use for DB2 NetBIOS LAN communications. Each local adapter is specified using its logical adapter number. | ||||
DB2NBCHECKUPTIME | OS/2 and Windows NT, server only | Default=1 minute
Values: 1-720 | ||
Specifies the time interval between each invocation of the NetBIOS
protocol checkup procedure. Checkup time is specified in
Lower values will ensure that the NetBIOS protocol checkup runs more often, freeing up memory and other system resources left when unexpected agent/session termination occurs. | ||||
DB2NBINTRLISTENS | OS/2 and Windows NT, server only | Default=1
Values: 1-10 Multiple values should be separated by commas | ||
Specifies the number of NetBIOS listen send commands (NCBs) that will be
asynchronously issued in readiness for remote client interrupts. This
flexibility is provided for "interrupt active" environments to ensure that
interrupt calls from remote clients will be able to establish connections when
servers are busy servicing other remote interrupts.
Setting db2nbintrlistens to a lower value will conserve NetBIOS sessions and NCBs at the server. However, in an environment where client interrupts are common, you may need to set db2nbintrlistens to a higher value in order to be responsive to interrupting clients.
| ||||
DB2NBRECVBUFFSIZE | OS/2 and Windows NT, server only | Default=4096 bytes
Range: 4096-65536 | ||
Specifies the size of the DB2 NetBIOS protocol receive buffers. These buffers are assigned to the NetBIOS receive NCBs. Lower values conserve server memory, while higher values may be required when client data transfers are larger. | ||||
DB2NBBRECVNCBS | OS/2 and Windows NT, server only | Default=10
Range: 1-99 | ||
Specifies the number of NetBIOS "receive_any" commands (NCBs) that the
server will issue and maintain during operation. This value may be
adjusted depending on the number of remote clients to which your server is
connected. Lower values will conserve server resources.
| ||||
DB2NBRESOURCES | OS/2 and Windows NT server only | Default=null | ||
Specifies the number of NetBIOS resources to allocate for DB2 use in a multi-context environment. This variable is restricted to multi-context client operation. | ||||
DB2NBSENDNCBS | OS/2 and Windows NT, server only | Default=6
Range: 1-720 | ||
Specifies the number of send NetBIOS commands (NCBs) that the server will reserve for use. This value may be adjusted depending on the number of remote clients your server is connected to. Setting db2nbsendncbs to a lower value will conserve server resources. However, you may need to set it to a higher value to prevent the server from waiting to send to a remote client when all other send commands are in use. | ||||
DB2NBSESSIONS | OS/2 and Windows NT, server only | Default=null
Range: 5-254 | ||
Specifies the number of sessions that DB2 should request to be reserved
for DB2 use. The value of db2nbsessions can be set to request
a specific session for each adapter specified using
| ||||
DB2NBXTRANCBS | OS/2 and Windows NT, server only | Default=5 per adapter
Range: 5-254 | ||
Specifies the number of "extra" NetBIOS commands (NCBs) the server will need to reserve when the db2start command is issued. The value of db2nbxtrancbs can be set to request a specific session for each adapter specified using db2nbadapters. | ||||
DB2NETREQ | Windows 3.x | Default=3
Range: 0-25 | ||
Specifies the number of NetBIOS requests that can be run concurrently on Windows 3.x clients. The higher you set this value, the more memory below the 1MB level will be used. When the concurrent number of requests to use NetBIOS services reaches the number you have set, subsequent incoming requests for NetBIOS services are held in a queue and become active as the current requests complete. If you enter 0 (zero) for db2netreq, the Windows database client issues NetBIOS calls in synchronous mode using the NetBIOS wait option. In this mode, the database client allows only the current NetBIOS request to be active and does not process another one until the current request has completed. This can affect other application programs. The 0 value is provided for backwards compatibility only. It is strongly recommended that 0 not be used. | ||||
DB2RETRY | OS/2 and Windows NT | Default=0
Range: 0-20 000 | ||
The number of times DB2 attempts to restart the APPC listener. If the SNA subsystem at the server/gateway is down, this profile variable, in conjunction with db2retrytime, can be used to automatically restart the APPC listener without disrupting client communications using other protocols. In such a scenario, it is no longer necessary to stop and restart DB2 to reinstate the APPC client communications. | ||||
DB2RETRYTIME | OS/2 and Windows NT | Default=1 minute
Range: 0-7 200 minutes | ||
In increments of one minute, the number of minutes that DB2 allows between performing successive retries to start the APPC listener. If the SNA subsystem at the server/gateway is down, this profile variable, in conjunction with db2retry, can be used to automatically restart the APPC listener without disrupting client communications using other protocols. In such a scenario, it is no longer necessary to stop and restart DB2 to reinstate the APPC client communications. | ||||
DB2SERVICETPINSTANCE | OS/2 and Windows NT | Default=null | ||
Used to support incoming APPC connections from DB2 workstation V.1
clients or from the DB2 MVS database. When the db2start
command is invoked, the instance specified will start the APPC listeners for
the following TP names:
| ||||
DB2SOSNDBUF | Windows 95 and Windows NT | Default=32767 | ||
Specifies the value of TCP/IP send buffers on Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. | ||||
DB2SYSPLEX_SERVER | OS/2, Windows NT, and UNIX | Default=null | ||
Specifies whether SYSPLEX exploitation when connected to DB2 for OS/390 is enabled. If this registry variable is not set (which is the default), or is set to a non-zero value, exploitation is enabled. If this registry variable is set to zero (0), exploitation is disabled. When set to zero, SYSPLEX exploitation is disabled for the gateway regardless of how the DCS database catalog entry has been specified. For more information see the Command Reference and the CATALOG DCS DATABASE command. | ||||
DB2TCPCONNMGRS | All | Default=1 on serial machines; square root of the number of
processors rounded up to a maximum of eight connection managers on symmetric
multiprocessor machines.
Values: 1 to 8 | ||
The default number of connection managers is created if the registry variable is not set. If the registry variable is set, the value assigned here overrides the default value. The number of TCP/IP connection managers specifed up to a maximum of 8 is created. If less than one is specified then DB2TCPCONNMGRS is set to a value of one and a warning is logged that the value is out of range. If greater than eight is specified then DB2TCPCONNMGRS is set to a value of eight and a warning is logged that the value is out of range. Values between one and eight are used as given. When there is greater than one connection manager created, connection throughput should improve when multiple client connections are received simultaneously. There may be additional TCP/IP connection manager process (on UNIX) or threads (on OS/2 and Windows operating systems) if the user is running on a SMP machine, or has modified the DB2TCPCONNMGRS registry variable. Additional processes or threads require additional storage. | ||||
DB2_VI_ENABLE | Windows NT | Default=OFF
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Specifies whether to use the Virtual Interface Architecture (VIA)
communication protocol or not. If this registry variable is "ON",
then FCM will use VI for inter-node communication. If this registry
variable is "OFF", then FCM will use TCP/IP for inter-node
| ||||
DB2_VI_VIPL | Windows NT | Default= vipl.dll | ||
Specifies the name of the Virtual Interface Provider Library (VIPL) that will be used by DB2. In order to load the library successfully, the library name used in this registry variable must be in the PATH user environment variable. The currenly supported implementations all use the same library name. | ||||
DB2_VI_DEVICE | Windows NT | Default=null
Values: nic0 | ||
Specifies the symbolic name of the device or Virtual Interface Provider Instance associated with the Network Interface Card (NIC). Independent hardware vendors (IHVs) each produce their own NIC. Only one (1) NIC is allowed per Windows NT machine; Multiple logical nodes on the same physical machine will share the same NIC. The currenly supported implementations all use the same symbolic name. |
Table 65. DCE Directory Variables
Variable Name | Operating System | Values | ||
Description | ||||
DB2DIRPATHNAME | OS/2, UNIX, and Windows 32-bit operating systems | Default=null | ||
Specifies a temporary override of the DIR_PATH_NAME parameter value
in the database manager configuration file. If a directory server is
used and the target of a CONNECT statement or ATTACH command is not explicitly
cataloged, then the target is concatenated with DB2DIRPATHNAME (if specified)
to form the fully qualified DCE name.
| ||||
DB2CLIENTADPT | OS/2 and Windows 32-bit operating systems | Default=null
Range: 0-15 | ||
Specifies the client adapter number for NETBIOS protocol on OS/2 and Windows 32-bit operating systems. The db2clientadpt value overrides the DFT_CLIENT_ADPT parameter value in the database manager configuration file. | ||||
DB2CLIENTCOMM | OS/2, UNIX, and Windows 32-bit operating systems | Default=null | ||
Specifies a temporary override of the DFT_CLIENT_COMM parameter value in the database manager configuration file. If both DFT_CLIENT_COMM and db2clientcomm are not specified, then the first protocol found in the object is used. If either one or both of them are specified, then only the first matching protocol will be used. In either case, no retry is attempted if the first connect fails. | ||||
DB2ROUTE | OS/2, UNIX, and Windows 32-bit operating systems | Default=null | ||
Specifies the name of the Routing Information Object the client uses when it connects to a database with a different database protocol. The db2route value overrides the ROUTE_OBJ_NAME parameter value in the database manager configuration file. |
Table 66. Command Line Variables
Variable Name | Operating System | Values |
Description | ||
DB2BQTIME | All | Default=1 second
Maximum value: 1 second |
Specifies the amount of time the command line processor front end will sleep before checking if the back end process is active and establishing a connection to it. | ||
DB2BQTRY | All | Default=60 retries
Minimum value: 0 retries |
Specifies the number of times the command line processor front end process tries to determine whether the back end process is already active. It works in conjunction with db2bqtime. | ||
DB2IQTIME | All | Default=5 seconds
Minimum value: 1 second |
Specifies the amount of time the command line processor back end process waits on the input queue for the front end process to pass commands. | ||
DB2RQTIME | All | Default=5 seconds
Minimum value: 1 second |
Specifies the amount of time the command line processor back end process waits for a request from the front end process. |
Table 67. MPP Configuration Variables
Variable Name | Operating System | Values |
DB2ATLD_PORTS | DB2 UDB EEE on AIX, Solaris, and Windows NT | Default= 6000:6063
Value: num1:num2 where both are between 1 and 65535, and num1<=num2 |
Specifies the range of port numbers used for the AutoLoader utility's internal TCPIP communication. If not set, AutoLoader uses the internal default port range 6000:6063. When you have other applications using the AutoLoader default port range, this variable can be used to select an alternate port range. | ||
DB2ATLD_PWFILE | DB2 UDB EEE on AIX, Solaris, and Windows NT | Default=null
Value: a file path expression |
Specifies a path to a file that contains a password used during AutoLoader authentication. If not set, AutoLoader either extracts the password from its configuration file or prompts you interactively. Using this variable will address password security concerns and allows the separation of AutoLoader configuration information from authentication information. | ||
DB2CHGPWD_EEE | DB2 UDB EEE on AIX and Windows NT | Default=null
Values: YES or NO |
Specifies whether you are allowing other users to change passwords on AIX or Windows NT EEE systems. You must ensure that the passwords for all partitions or nodes are maintained centrally using either a Windows NT domain controller on Windows NT, or NIS on AIX. If not maintained centrally, passwords may not be consistent across all partitions or nodes. This could result in a password only being changed at the database partition to which the user connects to make the change. In order to modify this global registry variable, you must be at the root directory and on the DAS instance. | ||
Values: YES or NO |
This registry variable is applicable to DB2 UDB EEE for AIX when using multiple logical partitions. When DB2START is issued, DB2 allocates the FCM buffers from the database global memory or, if there is not enough room there, from a separate shared memory segment which is used by all FCM daemons (for that instance) on the same physical machine. Which it chooses is largely dependent on the number of FCM buffers to be created (which, in turn, is determined by the FCM_NUM_BUFFERS database manager configuration parameter). If this registry variable is set to YES, the FCM buffers are always created in a separate memory segment. When the FCM buffers are created in a separate memory segment, the communication between FCM daemons of different logical partitions on the same physical node occurs through shared memory. Otherwise, FCM daemons on the same node communicate through UNIX Sockets. The advantage of communicating through shared memory in this way is that it is faster. The disadvantage is that there is one fewer shared memory segments available for other uses, most notably database buffer pools. This reduces the maximum size of database buffer pools. | ||
DB2_NUM_FAILOVER_NODES | DB2 UDB on AIX, Solaris, and Windows NT | Default: 2
Values: 0 to the number of logical nodes |
Specifies the number of nodes that can be used as failover nodes in a
high availability environment. With high availability, if a node fails,
then the node can be restarted as a second logical node on a different
host. The number used with this variable determines how much memory is
reserved for FCM resources for failover nodes.
For example, host A has two logical nodes: 1 and 2; and host B has two logical nodes: 3 and 4. Assume DB2_NUM_FAILOVER_NODES is set to 2. During DB2START, both host A and host B will reserve enough memory for FCM so that up to four logical nodes could be managed. Then if one host fails, the logical nodes for the failing host could be restarted on the other host. | ||
DB2PORTRANGE | Windows NT | Values: nnnn:nnnn |
This value is set to the TCP/IP port range used by FCM so that any additional partitions created on another machine will also have the same port range. |
Table 68. SQL Compiler Variables
Variable Name | Operating System | Values |
Description | ||
DB2_ANTIJOIN | All | Default=NO
Values: YES or NO |
This registry variable is applicable to DB2 Universal Database EEE environments. If specifies whether the optimizer will search for opportunities to transform "NOT EXISTS" subqueries into anti-joins which can be processed more efficiently by DB2. | ||
Values: ON or OFF |
When there are unique indexes on correlated columns in a join, and this registry variable is ON, the optimizer attempts to detect and compensate for correlation of join predicates. When this registry variable is ON, the optimizer uses the KEYCARD information of unique index statistics to detect cases of correlation, and dynamically adjusts the combined selectivities of the correlated predicates, thus obtaining a more accurate estimate of the join size and cost. | ||
DB2_HASH_JOIN | All | Default=NO
Values: YES or NO |
Specifies hash join as a possible join method when compiling an access plan. | ||
DB2_LIKE_VARCHAR | All | Default=NO
Values: YES, NO, or a floating point constant between 0 and 6.001 |
Specifies how the optimizer works with a predicate of the form
COLUMN LIKE '%XXXXXX%' where the xxxxxx is any string of characters. For all predicates, the optimizer has to estimate how many rows match the predicate. For LIKE predicates with leading and trailing % characters, the optimizer assumes that the COLUMN being matched has a structure of a series of elements concatenated together to form the entire column. The optimizer then estimates the length of each element based on the length of the string enclosed in the % characters. | ||
DB2_NEW_CORR_SQ_FF | All | Default=OFF
Values: ON or OFF |
Affects the selectivity value computed by the SQL optimizer for certain
subquery predicates when it is set to "ON". If can be used to
improve the accuracy of the selectivity value of equality subquery predicates
that use the MIN or MAX aggregate function in the SELECT list of the
subquery. For example:
Value: YES or NO |
Specifies whether the optimizer will search for opportunities to extract
additional predicates from disjuncts. In some circumstances, the
additional predicates can alter the estimated cardinality of the intermediate
and final result sets. With the following query:
SELECT n1.empno, n1.lastname FROM employee n1, employee n2 WHERE ((n1.lastname='SMITH' AND n2.lastname='JONES') OR (n1.lastname='JONES' AND n2.lastname='SMITH')) the optimizer can generate the following additional predicates: SELECT n1.empno, n1.lastname FROM employee n1, employee n2 WHERE n1.lastname IN ('SMITH', 'JONES') AND n2.lastname IN ('SMITH', 'JONES') AND ((n1.lastname='SMITH' AND n2.lastname='JONES') OR (n1.lastname='JONES' AND n2.lastname='SMITH')) |
Table 69. Performance Variables
Variable Name | Operating System | Values | ||
Description | ||||
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Specifies whether or not prefetch should be used during crash recovery. If db2_avoid_prefetch=ON, prefetch is not used. | ||||
Values: YES or NO | ||
Enables a new sort algorithm that reduces the CPU time and elapsed time
of sorts. This new algorithm extends the extremely efficient integer
sorting technique of DB2 UDB to all sort datatypes such as BIGINT, CHAR,
VARCHAR, FLOAT, and DECIMAL, as well as combinations of these
datatypes. To enable this new algorithm, use the following
db2set DB2_BINSORT = yes | ||||
DB2BPVARS | Windows NT | Default=path | ||
Specifies the path to a file containing parameters used when tuning
buffer pools. The currently supported parameters are:
For each of these parameters, the default is zero (or OFF); and the possible values include: zero (or OFF) and 1 (or ON). Each parameter is used to turn scatter read on for the respective type of containers. Each can only be enabled (turned ON) if DB2NTNOCACHE is set to ON in the registry. A warning message is written to the db2diag.log if DB2NTNOCACHE is set to OFF (or not set), and scatter read remains disabled. The parameters are recommended for systems with a large amount of sequential prefetching against the respective type of containers and you have already decided to use DB2NTNOCACHE set to OFF.
An example of how to set the path to the file is shown: db2set DB2BPVARS = f:\BPVARSFILE The content of the file is any of these parameters in the form: parameter=value | ||||
DB2CHKPTR | All | Default=OFF,
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Specifies whether or not pointer checking for input is required. | ||||
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Specifies whether or not the UDB server will perform a catalog lookup for
ALL DARIs and stored procedures before looking in the function
subdirectory of the sqllib subdirectory; and in the
unfenced subdirectory of the function subdirectory of
the sqllib subdirectory.
| ||||
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Specifies whether or not the query optimizer uses optimization extensions to improve query performance. The extensions may not improve query performance in all environments. Testing should be done to determine individual query performance improvements. | ||||
DB2MEMDISCLAIM | AIX | Default=null
Values: YES or NO | ||
Depending on the workload being executed and the pool agents
configuration, you may run into a situation where the committed memory for
each DB2 agent will stay above 32 MB even when the agent is idle. This
behavior is expected and usually results in good performance as the memory is
kept for fast re-use. However, on a memory constrained system, this may
not be a desirable side effect. To avoid this condition, issue the
db2set DB2MEMDISCLAIM = yes Disclaiming memory tells the AIX operating system to stop paging the area so that it no longer occupies any real storage. Setting DB2MEMDISCLAIM to "YES" tells DB2 UDB to disclaim some or all memory once freed, depending on the value given with DB2MEMMAXFREE. If DB2MEMMAXFREE is null, then all of the memory is disclaimed once freed. If DB2MEMMAXFREE is given a value, then only some of the memory is disclaimed once freed (up to the value given in DB2MEMMAXFREE). This ensures that the memory is made readily available for other processes as soon as it is freed. See also DB2MEMMAXFREE. These two registry variables work together. | ||||
DB2MEMMAXFREE | AIX | Default=null
Values: 4000000 to 256000000 | ||
Specifies the amount of free memory that is retained by each DB2
agent. You may set this variable to a value between 4 and 256
MB. We recommend that if you use this feature, you specify a value of 8
db2set DB2MEMMAXFREE = 8000000 See also DB2MEMDISCLAIM. These two registry variables work together. | ||||
DB2_MMAP_READ | AIX | Default=ON ,
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Used in conjunction with db2_mmap_write to allow DB2 to use mmap as an alternate method of I/O. In most environments, mmap should be used to avoid operating system locks when multiple processes are writing to different sections of the same file. However, perhaps you migrated from Parallel Edition V1.2 where the default was OFF allowing AIX chaching of DB2 data read from JFS filesystems into memory (outside the buffer pool). If you want the comparable performance with DB2 UDB, you can either increase the size of the buffer pool, or change db2_mmap_read and db2_mmap_write to OFF. | ||||
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Used in conjunction with db2_mmap_read to allow DB2 to use mmap as an alternate method of I/O. In most environments, mmap should be used to avoid operating system locks when multiple processes are writing to different sections of the same file. However, perhaps you migrated from Parallel Edition V1.2 where the default was OFF allowing AIX caching of DB2 data read from JFS filesystems into memory (outside the buffer pool). If you want the comparable performance with DB2 UDB, you can either increase the size of the buffer pool, or change db2_mmap_read and db2_mmap_write to OFF. | ||||
DB2_NO_PKG_LOCK | All | Default=OFF
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Allows the Global SQL Cache to operate without the use of package locks to protect cached package entries. (Package locks are internal system locks.) To improve performance (because acquiring and freeing locks takes time), you can now choose to work in a "no package lock" mode. In this mode, certain database operations are not allowed. These operations may include: operations that invalidate packages, operations that inoperate packages, and operations that directly change a package. | ||||
DB2NTMEMSIZE | Windows NT | Default=(varies by memory segment) | ||
Windows NT requires that all shared memory segments be reserved at DLL
initialization time in order to guarantee matching addresses across
processes. DB2NTMEMSIZE has been introduced to permit the user
to override the DB2 defaults on Windows NT if necessary. In most
situations, the default values should be sufficient. The memory
segments, default sizes, and override options are: 1) Database
Kernel: default size is 16777216 (16 MB); override option is
DBMS:<number of bytes>. 2) Parallel FCM Buffers: default
size is 22020096 (21 MB); override option is FCM:<number of
bytes>. 3) Database Admin GUI: default size is 33554432 (32
MB); override option is DBAT:<number of bytes>. 4) Fenced
Stored Procedures: default size is 16777216 (16 MB); override
option is APLD:<number of bytes>. More than one segment may be
overridden by separating the override options with a semi-colon
(;). For example, to limit the database kernel to approximately
256K, and the FCM buffers to approximately 64 MB, use:
db2set DB2NTMEMSIZE= DBMS:256000;FCM:64000000 | ||||
DB2NTNOCACHE | Windows NT | Default=OFF
Value: ON or OFF | ||
Specifies whether or not DB2 will open database files with a NOCACHE option. If db2ntnocache=ON, file system caching is eliminated. If db2ntnocache=OFF, the operating system caches DB2 files. This applies to all data except for files that contain LONG FIELDS or LOBS. Eliminating system caching allows more memory to be available to the database so that the buffer pool or sortheap can be increased. | ||||
DB2NTPRICLASS | Windows NT | Default=null
Value: R, H, (any other value) | ||
Sets the priority class for the DB2 instance (program
DB2SYSCS.EXE). There are three priority classes:
This variable is used in conjunction with individual thread priorities (set using DB2PRIORITIES) to determine the absolute priority of DB2 threads relative to other threads in the system.
For more information, please refer to the SetPriorityClass() API in the Win32 documentation. | ||||
DB2NTWORKSET | Windows NT | Default=1,1 | ||
Used to modify the minimum and maximum working set size available to
DB2. By default, when Windows NT is not in a paging situation, a
process's working set can grow as large as needed. However, when
paging occurs, the maximum working set that a process can have is
approximately 1 MB. DB2NTWORKSET allows you to override this default
Specify DB2NTWORKSET for DB2 using the syntax db2ntworkset=min,max, where min and max are expressed in megabytes. | ||||
DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF | All | Default=not set
Values: a positive numeric number of pages | ||
Specifies the size of the buffer pool, in pages, to be created at database activation, or first connection, time. It is useful when failures occur during database activation or first connection resulting from memory constraints. Should even a minimal buffer pool of 16 pages not be brought up by the database manager, then the user can try again after specifying a smaller number of pages using this environment variable. The memory constraint could arise either because of a real memory shortage (which is rare); or, because of the attempt by the database manager to allocate large, inaccurately configured buffer pools. This value, if set, will override the current buffer pool size. | ||||
DB2PRIORITIES | All | Values setting is platform dependent. | ||
Controls the priorities of DB2 processes and threads. | ||||
DB2_RR_TO_RS | All | Default=NO
Values: YES or NO | ||
When set to YES, the RR isolation level is, effectively, downgraded to RS for user tables. RR semantics are no longer provided in the database manager instance. If your applications do not require RR semantics, this registry variable can be used to reduce the next-key lock contention problems that can sometimes occur under RR. | ||||
DB2_SORT_AFTER_TQ | All | Default=NO
Values: YES or NO | ||
Specifies how the optimizer works with directed table queues in a
partitioned database when the receiving end requires the data to be sorted,
and the number of receiving nodes is equal to the number of sending
When DB2_SORT_AFTER_TQ= NO, the optimizer tends to sort at the sending end, and merge the rows at the receiving end. When DB2_SORT_AFTER_TQ= YES, the optimizer tends to transmit the rows unsorted, not merge at the receiving end, and sort the rows at the receiving end after receiving all the rows. |
Table 70. Data Links Variables
Variable Name | Operating System | Values |
Description | ||
DLFM_BACKUP_DIR_NAME | AIX, Windows NT | Default: null
Values: TSM or any valid path |
Specifies the backup device to use. If you change the setting of this registry variable between TSM and a path at run-time, the archived files are not moved. Only new backups are place in the new location. Previously archived files are not moved. | ||
DLFM_BACKUP_LOCAL_MP | AIX, Windows NT | Default: null
Values: any valid path to the local mount point in the DFS system |
Specifies the fully qualified path to a mount point in the DFS system. When a path is given, it is used instead of the path given with DLFM_BACKUP_DIR_NAME. | ||
DLFM_BACKUP_TARGET | AIX, Windows NT | Default: null
Values: LOCAL, TSM, XBSA |
Specifies the type of backup used. | ||
DLFM_BACKUP_TARGET_LIBRARY | AIX, Windows NT | Default: null
Values: any valid path to the DLL or shared library name |
Specifies the fully qualified path to the DLL or shared library. This library is loaded using the libdfmxbsa.a library. | ||
DLFM_ENABLE_STPROC | AIX, Windows NT | Default: NO
Values: YES or NO |
Specifies whether a stored procedure is used to link groups of files. | ||
Values: NATIVE or DFS |
Specifies the environment in which Data Links servers operate. NATIVE indicates that the Data Links server is in a single machine situation where the server can take over files on its own machine. DFS indicates that the Data Links server is in a distributed filesystem (DFS) environment where the server can take over files throughout the filesystem. Mixing DFS filesets and native filesystems is not allowed. | ||
DLFM_GC_MODE | AIX, Windows NT | Default: PASSIVE
Specifies the control of garbage file collection on the Data Links server. When set to SLEEP, no garbage collection occurs. When set to PASSIVE, garbage collection runs only if no other transactions are running. When set to ACTIVE, garbage collection runs even if other transactions are running. | ||
DLFM_INSTALL_PATH | AIX, Windows NT | Default
On AIX: /usr/lpp/ db2_06_00 /adm On NT: DB2PATH /bin Range: any valid path |
Specifies the path where the data links executables are installed. | ||
DLFM_LOG_LEVEL | AIX, Windows NT | Default: LOG_INFO
Specifies the level of diagnostic information to be recorded. | ||
DLFM_PORT | All except Windows 3.n | Default: 50100
Values: any valid port number |
Specifies the port number used to communicate with the Data Links servers running the DB2 Data Links Manager. This environment variable is only used when a table contains a "DATALINKS" column. |
Table 71. Miscellaneous Variables
Variable Name | Operating System | Values | ||
Description | ||||
DB2ADMINSERVER | OS/2, Windows 95, Windows NT, and UNIX | Default=null | ||
Specifies which DB2 instance is set up as the DB2 Administration Server. | ||||
DB2CLIINIPATH | All | Default=null | ||
Used to override the default path of the DB2 CLI/ODBC configuration file (db2cli.ini) and specify a different location on the client. The value specified must be a valid path on the client system. | ||||
DB2DEFPREP | All | Default=NO
Values: ALL, YES, or NO | ||
Simulates the runtime behavior of the DEFERRED_PREPARE precompile option for applications that were precompiled prior to this option becoming available. For example, if a DB2 v2.1.1 or earlier application were run in a DB2 v2.1.2 or later environment, db2defprep could be used to indicate the desired 'deferred prepare' behavior. | ||||
DB2_DJ_COMM | All | Default=null
Values include: libdrda.a, libsqlnet.a, libnet8.a, libdrda.dll, libsqlnet.dll, libnet8.dll, and so on. | ||
Specifies the wrapper libraries that are loaded when the database manager is started. Specifying this variable reduces the run-time cost of loading frequently used wrappers. Other values for other operating systems are supported (the .dll extension is for the Windows NT operating system; the .a extension is for the AIX operating system). Library names vary by protocol and operating system. This variable is not available unless the database manager parameter federated is set to YES. | ||||
DB2DMNBCKCTLR | Windows NT | Default=null
Values: ? or a domain name | ||
If you know the name of the domain for which DB2 server is the backup
domain controller, set
db2dmnbckctlr=DOMAIN_NAME. The DOMAIN_NAME
must be in upper case. To have DB2 determine the domain for which the
local machine is a backup domain controller, set
db2dmnbckctlr=?. If the db2dmnbckctlr
profile variable is not set or is set to blank, DB2 performs authentication at
the primary domain controller.
| ||||
DB2_ENABLE_LDAP | All | Default=NO
Values: YES or NO | ||
Specifies whether or not the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is used. LDAP is an access method to directory services. | ||||
DB2_FALLBACK | Windows NT | Default=OFF
Values: ON or OFF | ||
This variable allows you to force all database connections off during the fallback processing. It is used in conjunction with the failover support in the Windows NT environment with Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS). If DB2_FALLBACK is not set or is set to OFF, and a database connection exists during the fall back, the DB2 resource cannot be brought offline. This will mean the fallback processing will fail. | ||||
Values: YES or NO | ||
Used during restart recovery. If set to "NO", it will halt restart recovery if it is determined that a bad page is stopping the restart recovery too soon (that is, all active logs have not been read). This is usually caused by a bad page in one of the logs. The user can set this variable to "YES" to signal restart recovery that it should continue processing as if the end of logs was reached. After setting the variable to "YES", logs not read during restart recovery are overwritten when the database becomes active again. The default is "NO", which is not to proceed if a bad page is not found. Use this variable only under the direction from IBM Service personnel. | ||||
DB2_GRP_LOOKUP | Windows NT | Default=null
Values: LOCAL, DOMAIN | ||
This variable is used to tell DB2 where to validate user accounts and perform group member lookup. Set the variable to LOCAL to force DB2 to always enumerate groups and validate user accounts on the DB2 server. Set the variable to DOMAIN to force DB2 to always enumerate groups and validate user accounts on the Windows NT domain to which the user account belongs. | ||||
DB2LDAP_BASEDN | All | Default=null
Values: Any valid base domain name. | ||
Specifies the base domain name for the LDAP directory. | ||||
DB2LDAPCACHE | All | Default=YES
Values: YES or NO | ||
Specifies that the LDAP cache is to be enabled. This cache is used
to catalog the database, node, and DCS directories on the local
To ensure that you have the latest entries in the cache, do the following: REFRESH LDAP DB DIR REFRESH LDAP NODE DIR These commands update and remove incorrect entries from the database directory and the node directory. | ||||
DB2LDAP_CLIENT_PROVIDER | Windows 95/98/NT/2000 only | Default=null (Microsoft, if available, is used; otherwise IBM is
Values: IBM or Microsoft | ||
When running in a Windows environment, DB2 supports using either
Microsoft LDAP clients or IBM LDAP clients to access the LDAP
directory. This registry variable is used to explicitly select the LDAP
client to be used by DB2.
| ||||
DB2LDAPHOST | All | Default=null
Values: Any valid hostname. | ||
Specifies the hostname of the location for the LDAP directory. | ||||
Specifies the search scope for information found in partitions or domains in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). "LOCAL" disables searching in the LDAP directory. "DOMAIN" only searches in LDAP for the current directory partition. "GLOBAL" searches in LDAP in all directory partitions until the object is found. | ||||
DB2LOADREC | All | Default=null | ||
Used to override the location of the load copy during roll forward. If the user has changed the physical location of the load copy, db2loadrec must be set before issuing the roll forward. | ||||
DB2LOCK_TO_RB | All | Default=null
Values: Statement | ||
Specifies whether lock timeouts cause the entire transaction to be rolled-back, or only the current statement. If db2lock_to_rb is set to STATEMENT, locked timeouts cause only the current statement is rolled back. Any other setting results in transaction rollback. | ||||
Values: ON or OFF | ||
If defined, this variable indicates to DB2 not to install an exit list
handler in applications and not to perform a COMMIT. Normally, DB2
installs a process exit list handler in applications and the exit list handler
performs a COMMIT operation if the application ends normally.
For applications that dynamically load the DB2 library and unload it before the application terminates, the invocation of the exit list handler fails because the handler routine is no longer loaded in the application. If your application operates in this way, you should set the DB2NOEXITLIST variable and ensure your application explicitly invokes all required COMMITs. | ||||
DB2REMOTEPREG | Windows 95 and Windows NT | Default=null
Value: Any valid Windows 95 or Windows NT machine name | ||
Specifies the remote machine name that contains the Win32 registry list of DB2 instance profiles and DB2 instances. The value for DB2REMOTEPREG should only be set once after DB2 is installed, and should not be modified. Use this variable with extreme caution. | ||||
DB2ROUTINE_DEBUG | AIX and Windows NT | Default=OFF
Values: ON, OFF | ||
Specifies whether to enable the debug capability for Java stored procedures. If you are not debugging Java stored procedures, use the default, OFF. There is a performance impact to enable debugging. Refer to Application Development Guide for more information about debugging Java stored procdures. | ||||
DB2SORCVBUF | Windows 95 and Windows NT | Default=32767 | ||
Specifies the value of TCP/IP receive buffers on Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. | ||||
DB2SORT | All, server only | Default=null | ||
Specifies the location of a library to be loaded at runtime by the LOAD utility. The library contains the entry point for functions used in sorting indexing data. Use db2sort to exploit vendor-supplied sorting products for use with the LOAD utility in generating table indexes. The path supplied must be relative to the database server. | ||||
DB2SYSTEM | Windows NT, Windows 95, OS/2, and UNIX | Default=null | ||
Specifies the name that is used by your users and database administrators
to identify the DB2 server system. If possible, this name should be
unique within your network.
This name is displayed in the system level of the Control Center's object tree to aid administrators in the identification of server systems that can be administered from the Control Center. When using the 'Search the Network' function of the Client Configuration Assistant, DB2 discovery returns this name and it is displayed at the system level in the resulting object tree. This name aids users in identifying the system that contains the database they wish to access. A value for db2system is set at installation time as follows:
| ||||
DB2UPMPR | OS/2 | Default=ON
Values: ON or OFF | ||
Specifies whether or not the UPM logon screen will display on the screen when the user enters the wrong user ID or password on OS/2. |