Administration Guide

Selecting User IDs and Groups for Your Installation

Security issues are important to the DB2 Administrator from the moment the product is installed. The respective platform-specific Quick Beginnings, books present all of the information required to plan for, install, and configure DB2.

The steps to completing the installation of DB2 require a user name, a group name, and a password. During the installation, the administrator has default values for each of these requirements. Once the defaults have been used during the installation of DB2, the administrator is strongly recommended to create new user names, group names, and passwords before creating the instances where the databases will reside. Using new user names, group name, and passwords will minimize the risk of a user other than the administrator learning of the defaults and using them in an improper fashion within instances and databases.

Another security recommendation following the installation of DB2 is the changing of the default privileges granted to users. During the installation process, System Administration (SYSADM) privileges are granted by default to the following users on each operating system:

A valid DB2 user ID which belongs to the User Profile Management (UPM) Administrator or Local Administrator group.

Windows 95 or Windows 98
Any Windows 95 or Windows 98 user.

Windows NT or Windows 2000
A valid DB2 username which belongs to the Administrators group.

A valid DB2 username which belongs to the primary group of the instance owner's user ID.

SYSADM privileges are the most powerful set of privileges available within DB2. (Privileges are discussed later in this chapter.) As a result, you may not want all of these users to have SYSADM privileges by default. DB2 provides the administrator with the ability to grant and revoke privileges to groups and individual user IDs.

The platform-specific information to create and assign groups and user IDs is found in the various Quick Beginnings books. By updating the database manager configuration parameter SYSADM_GROUP, the administrator can control which group is defined as the System Administrative group with System Administrator privileges. You must follow the guidelines below to complete the security requirements for both DB2 installation and the subsequent instance and database creation.

Any group defined as the System Administration group (by updating SYSADM_GROUP) must exist. The name of this group should allow for easy identification as the group created for instance owners. User IDs and groups that belong to this group have system administrator authority for their respective instances.

You should consider creating an instance owner user ID that is easily recognized as being associated with a particular instance. This user ID should have as one of its groups, the name of the SYSADM group created above. Another recommendation is to only use this instance owner user ID as a member of the instance owner group and not to use it in any other group. This should control the proliferation of user IDs and groups that could modify the instance environment.

The created user ID should always be associated with a password to allow for authentication before entry into the data and databases within the instance. The recommendation when creating a password is to follow your organization's password naming guidelines.

Windows NT Platform Considerations

When working in the Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT, System Administration (SYSADM) authority is granted to any valid DB2 user account which belongs to the local Administrators group on the machine where the account is defined.

For example, if a user logs on to a domain account and tries to access a DB2 database, DB2 goes to a Domain Controller to enumerate groups (including the Administrator's group). You can change this behavior in either of two ways:

  1. Set the registry variable DB2_GRP_LOOKUP = local and add the domain accounts (or global groups) to the local Administrators group.
  2. Update the database manager configuration file to specify a new group. If you want that group enumerated on the local machine, then you must also set the DB2_GRP_LOOKUP registry variable.

By default in a Windows NT domain environment, only domain users that belong to the Administrators group at the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) have SYSADM authority on an instance. Since DB2 always performs authorization at the machine where the account is defined, adding a domain user to the local Administrators group on the server does not grant the domain user SYSADM authority to the group.

To avoid adding a domain user to the Administrators group at the PDC, you should create a global group and add the users (both domain and local) that you want to grant SYSADM authority. To do this, enter the following commands:


UNIX Platform Considerations

On UNIX-based platforms, a group for fenced User Defined Functions (UDFs) and stored procedures must be created, and any user IDs that use fenced UDFs or stored procedures must be a member of this group. As with the SYSADM group, the name of the fenced UDFs or stored procedures group should allow for easy identification. User IDs that belong to the fenced UDFs or stored procedures have whatever authority and privileges that are associated with the group as their default.

For security reasons, we recommend you do not use the instance name as the Fenced ID. However, if you are not planning to use fenced UDFs or stored procedures, you can set the Fenced ID to the instance name instead of creating another user ID.

The recommendation is to create a user ID that will be recognized as being associated with this group. The user for fenced UDFs and stored procedures is specified as a parameter of the instance creation script (db2icrt ... -u <FencedID>). This is not required if you install the DB2 Clients or the DB2 Software Developer's Kit.

General Rules

There are rules for the naming of all objects and users. Some of these rules are specific to the platform you are working on. For example, there is a rule regarding the use of upper and lower case letters in a name.

See Appendix A, Naming Rules for other naming rules.

The db2icrt command creates the main SQL library (sqllib) directory under the home directory of the instance owner.

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